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Languedoc Rouissilon in April

Hello have the good fortune of a free place to stay for a week in Caramany, which is ~ 30 minutes from Perpignan. Will be there for a week starting on Good Friday (4/22). Will have two girls, ages 12 and 14, but adventurous travelers and eaters with us. Any suggested sights, restaurants, activities?

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4132 posts

I would consider some of the Cathar ruins in the foothills of the Pyrenees (not for the phobic of heights), the coastal villages of Collioure and Banyuls, and the imperfectly restored old city of Carcassonne (but not midday).

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1446 posts

Villefranche-de-Conflent is an interesting fortified town, past Prades, not far from where you'll be. There's a scenic train into the mountains from there, Le Train Jaune. You can always head into Spain to Figueres for a daytrip - I'm sure that your girls would have a memorable blast in the Museo Teatro Dali.