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I may be going to Landstuhl Germany, Ineed to know all info anyone has .I'll be going by myself. I'm going to meet my grandson there,he is going to have surgery there.i'll admit I'm scared to travel by myself. So I need all info I can get.
Thank you

Posted by
473 posts

This was asked about 2 weeks ago by somebody else. Here's the thread click here. If you're eligible to use the shuttle bus that George from Baltimore recommends, then use that. It will be much easier than my comments about how to get from the Frankfurt airport to Landstuhl.

Posted by
2779 posts

Here's another shuttle service directly from the Frankfurt International Airport to Landstuhl and the military bases in the area:'t be scared! All over Germany you will find plenty of English speaking people and the country is pretty save, crime rates are lower than in the US...

Posted by
12040 posts

I'm a bit busy to write more right now (I'm very familiar with the hospital and the area), but when I get a chance, I'll give you some specifics. Here is something to think about- your grandson may (emphasize "may") be able to designate you as a "non-medical attendant", which would give you a stipend to stay either on base or in the area, and may even possibley pay for your transportation. More to follow...

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3 posts

Thank you for all of ya'lls help. i will be looking for more info.tom thank you for your help need all the help I can get.

Posted by
12040 posts

OK, more info... send me a private message and I'll tell you what I know (which isn't that much)about "non-medical attendants".

First of all, how to get to Landstuhl. If you can fly Space A on military flights, Ramstein AFB sits across the valley from Landstuhl, and you can easily catch a shuttle bus. If you don't have military benefits, the closest international airport is Frankfurt. The drive to Landstuhl takes about an hour, if by car. Not certain how long the trip takes by rail, but I think you have to change trains in Mannheim.

Landstuhl is small enough that few (if any) guidebooks mention it. Other than the ruins of a castle, there isn't much here of interest to tourists, although like many towns in Germany, it has enough restaurants and shops to make it pleasent enough to enjoy a visit. The closest city of any notable size is Kaiserslautern. Heidelberg, Mannheim, and Saarbrucken are close as well.

To orient yourself, the town spreads out (cont)

Posted by
12040 posts

over the lower slopes of a low mountain. The hospital itself sits at the top, and the rail station lies at the very bottom. You can catch a municipal bus to the base entrance, or take a taxi... the walk up the mountain is not easy!

For sleeping, you can try Googling "Ramstein Inn Landstuhl" to find the number of the on-post hotel, although availability is limited. There are also several guesthouses available in the local community. Try Google again.

Access to the base is limited, so you will probably have to coordinate with your grandson.

Overall, Landstuhl and the surrounding areas are quite pleasant, if not a tourist mecca. Much nicer than the areas surrounding about 95% of most US Army bases!

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1522 posts

I would start by contacting the American Red Cross. They have had a long connection with the army overseas and may have advice on where to stay. There may be guest quarters on the base. There used to be Red Cross Coordinator's office at Landstuhl but I am not sure about now.

In town I stayed at the Gruene Laterne years ago. I am sure that it has been redone, but I can tell you that it is in the center of town. The prices seem reasonable.

Regards, Gary

Posted by
144 posts

definitely check with the Red Cross. There is a place for patients and families called Fisher House. I don't know what the requirements are to stay there, but it might work for you. And when you get to Frankfurt, visit the USO Center there. I think they run shuttles to various nearby bases. And definitely check out the medical attendant aspect. If you are eligible, it definitely will help. If you are near an army post in Liberty, you could contact Family Support to get more information.

Posted by
3 posts

Thank ya'll for all your help, my grandson was ship back to his station in Hawaii for the surgery. So I will be going there.Again thank you so much for all ya'll help.