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Just one night in Paris, which neighborhood is best?

Am attracted to Rue Cler but am wondering if Ile St. Louis might be the best location? I want a quiet night for sleeping, but a convenient location for walking and sightseeing. Your thoughts?

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9436 posts

Ile Saint Louis is my favorite neighborhood in Paris, I highly recommend it.
It's a beautiful, charming neighborhood surrounded by the river. Perfect, central location for walking and sightseeing. Hotel de Lutece and Hotel des Deux Iles are both great. Rue Cler is too far removed imo.

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9110 posts

Put little dots of things you want to see on a map. Put a big dot of Ile St Louis and another big one on Rue Cler. Conduct pattern analysis.

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10555 posts

I agree with Susan. Rue Cler is too far to walk to anything besides the Eiffel Tower. Ile St. Louis would be perfect, as would anywhere in the 4th, 5th or even the 6th as long as you are close to the river.

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14 posts

Another vote for Ile Saint Louis. It's so pretty, you're a stones throw from Notre Dame on the Ile de la Cite, and it's quiet at night.

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3313 posts

Rue Cler is a long way from everything but the Eiffel Tower and Les Invalides. It's also noisy because of the activity in the early morning setting up the markets. If you can find a place in your price range on Isle St. Louis, that would be great. Lots of options for walking from there.

Posted by
643 posts

Thanks for your replies. Am interested in the Rue Cler area as there is the number 69 bus that goes from there to most sights. The Ile St. Louis area looks nice, but one of the reviewers said they were woken up at 6am by the garbage collectors. I guess there is early morning noise in most places in the city. Price wise the rooms in Rue Cler are a bit cheaper, and I like the idea of being close to the Eiffel Tour so we can walk there in the early evening and come back after dark on foot, assuming it's safe to do so. If we stayed on the Ile St. Louis, coming back from the Eiffel Tour after dark would have to be by Taxi!!

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74 posts

there are lots of nice neighborhoods in Paris. Ile St. Louis is sufficiently enjoyable and close to the sites that it is worth while, I think, to stay there rather the Rue Cler. No matter where you stay, you'll want to get acquainted with Metro, which is excellent for getting you where you want to go.

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9436 posts

You're only going to be there for one night - if you want to spend that night at the ET, then it's obvious where to stay. It's very safe at night, as is all of Paris from the 1st to the 20th arrondissement. If you want to be in the heart of Paris, near Notre Dame, surrounded by the river, all of which is beautiful and safe at night - then, like Andrea suggested, I'd pick the 4th (which includes Ile Saint Louis), 5th or 6th arrondissement, closest to the river. There are lots of good bus routes to see the sights, #69 is not the only one. You can be woken up at 6 am by garbage collector's anywhere in Paris. Even rue Cler.

Posted by
643 posts

Have since decided to skip Paris and stay two nights in Amsterdam instead. Thanks for all your replies!