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Just moved from Copenhagen to Geneva got a few questions

This my first post on the site and am not sure if this question is appropriate
so just let me know.
I have searched and searched for hours without any definitive answer as to how to find cannabis in Switzerland. All of the information I found originated pre-2002. I was in Switzerland 6 years ago and there were "hanf shops" (I think that was the correct name... correct me if I'm wrong) that I went to in Thun and Bern because nobody in Interlaken (where I was staying) would help me out. I am willing to travel a bit to find some but would truely just like somebody to point me in the right direction in Geneva.

I was able to get a couple of grams outdoor cannabis a week ago downtown but have since not been able to find any buddy willing to open up and tell me where I could find some. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I do miss the openess of Christiania in copenhagen where I can smoke pretty freely with relatively little hastling.

Poor translation:

Ich suche zu finden oder jemanden haben mich in die richtige Richtung, wo ich könnte ein paar Cannabis oder Haschisch in Genf. Jede Hilfe wäre sehr dankbar.

Wenn Sie nicht wollen, nur post-Nachricht / PM mich.

Thanks again
Vielen Dank, dass Sie wieder

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643 posts

As this has already been posted twice to this forum, I suspect this person is a troll.