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Jungfrau sled dog ride

Has anyone gone on the sled dog ride at the Jungfrau train stop? If so, do you remember how much it cost? Looks like fun!

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54 posts

I actually read about the dog sledding on the Jungfrau website but never saw a price listed. ((I do not have cable tv, I have not seen the other travel show you mentioned)).
I wonder if they still have the dog kennels, I guess I'll find out July 17th when I arrive.

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6898 posts

Just to give you a bit more info, it's a 2hr ride up by cog train from the Lauterbrunnen train station and 2hrs back. There will be a train change at Kleine Scheidegg. It's spectacular up there.

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6898 posts

You've been watching Samantha Brown on Passport to Europe. We were all over the Jungfrau last summer and didn't see the sled dog ride. Not saying its not there, we just didn't see it.

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23 posts

I just returned from the region (and the Jungfraujoch) and I did not see any dog sledding. They did have a small zip line (which I did!), which was fun and very tame.

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632 posts

At our age, we were doing well just to adjust to the altitude, so we didn't seek out anything too strenuous...didn't see any dog sleds...but we were able to follow the progress of a group of 6 traversing the glacier. Our view from the Restaurant (I remembered to bring binocs) was spectacular. It was great watching them use the equipment including ice axes, ladders and ropes in their descent.

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12040 posts

Let me make a suggestion, having once spent the winter in the interior of Alaska, but not having seen the episode of Passport to Europe in question. Perhaps you didn't see any dog-sledding in the summer months because dog-sledding is a winter sport and requires lots of densely packed snow? Yes, there's snow on the summit of the Jungfrau in summer, but dogs would be no more suited to pull a sled at that altitude than humans would.

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7209 posts

There were no sled dogs 2 weeks ago at the Jungfrau. However, in June 2006 they were all set up to pull the sled in a circular route, but the dogs were not hitched to the sled and never pulled the sled the entire time I was there. I asked the attendant, and he said the snow was too soft and the dogs can't pull the sled through the soft snow. He said we should have come earlier in the morning before the sun became so strong.

BTW, you will pass the sled dogs' kennels on the train ride up to the top.

Posted by
632 posts

Tim's right...we did pass the dog kennels on the way up and back (just below Kleine Scheidegg). If you want the outdoor experience, you can walk down from Kleine Scheidegg to Wengen or for an easier less expensive experience, from Wengen to Lauterbrunnen.