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Itinerary Ideas for Germany and Croatia

My wife and I are trying to plan a 2 week trip to Germany and ending in Croatia. We'd appreciate any itinerary ideas you would like to share. We want to start out in the north of Germany possibly around Hamburg then work our way south before hitting Croatia for 3 days or so then heading home. We are avid walkers and enjoy historical sites especially when it concerns WWII. Would train travel be best or should we plan on Europe air? We would be traveling late April or early May. We don't expect a complete itinerary, never having been to Germany so we'd just like some ideas before getting Rick's book. TIA

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Germany and Croatia are far apart. Air is the only way to go. I would reconsider making that long of a distance for only 3 days, however, your travel time might be better spent doing stuff in Germany/closer to Germany.