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It All Worked Out

I have not been posting much the last couple months but hope some remember me. I posted in Nov after losing my job and wondering if I should cancel my Sept 09 trip. All the advice I got was to not cancel unless absolutely necessary. Well in Feb, I got a part time job that lasted 5 weeks and then went full time. Only 15 minutes from home and a job I enjoy more than the one I lost. Also have the green light for 3 weeks off in Sept to make my trip. I know many others might be trying to decide if they should cancel or try something cheaper. Things do work out so for anyone trying to decide what to do, hope you also can stick it out and still get to enjoy Europe in 09. Thanks for all the positive people on this site and my trip is now less than 4 months away.

Posted by
9369 posts

I am really happy for you, Tony! I know you'll have a wonderful time.

Posted by
32322 posts


That's fantastic news! September isn't really that far away, so in a few short months you'll be getting the bags packed and realizing your dream! As I recall, part of your trip is a RS tour (can't remember which tour though)?

Happy travels!

Posted by
208 posts

Yes, Ken, I will be doing about 4 days in the Normandy area before going to Germany to do the R/S Germany, Austria, Swiss tour. Really looking forward to those 3 weeks as I have been planning to do this for almost 3 years.

Posted by
32322 posts


I can very much appreciate your circumstances! Due to a variety of factors (mostly financial issues after a divorce), it took me about five years to make my first big trip to Europe a reality! As you can imagine, it was VERY well planned, as I had lots of time to work on the planning.

Keep watching RS as I found that helped to keep my focus on the trip and not give up.


Posted by
484 posts

Hello Tony,
I remember your previous posts and I am very glad things worked out for you. I too am going to Germany in September and I keep hoping that nothing drastic happens at my job before then. Still, your situation has proved that "Its always darkest before the dawn".
Enjoy your trip to Europe.You deserve it.Regards, Nadine

Posted by
582 posts

I also remember you Tony! I'm thrilled for you!
For awhile, I wasn't sure if I could afford to go to Europe either, but lately, my work really picked up, so I booked a trip to London and Paris for October. I'm just going on my own, and found some great deals on airfare and hotels. I sure love!
You will have a wonderful time, and I hope you will let us all know about how your trip was!

Posted by
208 posts

Again thanks for the positive responses and looks like many others are or have been in the same situation. It does work out in most instances even though when you lose your job, it just seems like everything is against you. Nadine and Lisa, hope your trips are wonderful as well.

I even have Jo in Frankfurt lined up to spend some time with me showing me some of Frankfurt. Also just bought a Dell mini 10 to carry along, so maybe I can even post a few times along the way. Loaded Skpe on it as well and all that advice came from this site. This site gives us so much info to make our trips THE BEST.

Posted by
15768 posts

Tony, I am so happy for you! Better job and the European trip to look forward to. That is just terrific.

Now that everything is working out, post your itinerary so we can get negative on you and pick it to pieces :-)

Posted by
335 posts

Tony, I too remember your earlier quandry and was one of the ones who said GO! I'm so glad things worked out for you. I'm looking at retiring in Aug/Sept and will have enough $$ to live on but am not sure there will be enough to "play" on (meaning travel). But I'll figure out a way! I only started foreign travel 4 years ago but have become a Travel Addict so watch out - the bug may bite you too. Happy trails!