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Is Zermatt still a fun place after ski season?

Hi there-I am interested in visiting the Matterhorn and I am looking at staying in Zermatt in May or June of 2010. Is this a bad time to visit or will I still find fun things to do? Thanks in advance for any advice you can pass on!

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3313 posts

Unless you like to hike and the conditions permit it, no. Dull, dull, dull. And expensive.

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204 posts

We are looking at doing the same thing May 2010. We will be coming from Paris to Brig on our way to Venice- taking a side trip for the day (Glacier Express if timing works out)to see the Matterhorn and look around. The Regular train from Brig is only an hour. I realize the town is pretty much shut down for May as the hiking season has not started til June - a lot of hotels and restaurants close- Google Zermatt Tourism. The site fills you in what is open and what is not. Hope this helps

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12040 posts

You'd be better off going in June, the later the better, if you want to hike. Conditions can be iffy in May.

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11507 posts

china I went in August once,, so of course trails were clear, in May they may be still snow covered. If you have a choice go as late in June as you can.

I did not find it dull. My dad and I hiked to the Hut on the Matterhorn one day,, and then took the little train up to the Gornergrat another day and hiked a bit more( get off a few stops before top). YOu can see into Italy, France and Switzerland from that viewpoint.

We visited the cementary in Zermatt, many of the headstones commemorate climbers and are carved to show ice axes, cramptons, and ropes,, some of the people obvioulsy died in climbin the mountain. The guide that took my dad up the Matterhorn the year before died that year,, so it was sad to see his grave, but there were many other like his.

the town is cute enough,, but of course very touristy and yes expensive. We stayed at a hotel called the Hotel Alanta,, and it was reasonable and nice we thought.

I think a two or three day visit is fun,, it is so darn cute.I think three days is more then enough unless you plan on alot of hiking. There are hiking trails for every level .

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769 posts

I agree - great small town with plenty to do if you like mountains and trains and hiking. Many diff routes to hike up (and/or combine with cable-car or trains). There are affordable spots to stay and eat- and lots of fun shops but the views are amazing. If weather is iffy - try some of the other valleys in the Vallais too - many less touristy but beautiful.

The Lake Geneva towns are also nice and wine country too. But Zermatt will have plenty to do for a few days.

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100 posts

Thanks for all your great advice! Maybe we can work it out to be there later in June instead of May-we're still just in the talking stages of planning. Cheers!