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Is nine minutes enought to tour Paris?

Saw this on the T/A forums. Was done many years ago so many of you may have seen it but for those who have not enjoy a quick, wild and scary tour through the streets of Paris.

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8293 posts

Wow! It wears you out to watch it. I can still hear the engine.

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19234 posts

And my wife complains about my driving?

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345 posts

Gee! I didn't know the sights in Paris were so close together!

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182 posts

Now if I can just get my commute down to 9 minutes!

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1717 posts

Hey Lane, Thanks for that website information. I saw that on my computer's screen today. I did not go to Paris. I cancelled my trip to Paris, that was scheduled for this week, because I spent too much money for my trip to Florida in March (I went there to help my Mother). And I will move to Florida this month. I saw Paris in a video on my computer's screen, so, why go there ? (L.O.L.). // Incidently, in a comment about that video at the Youtube website a person said the sound in that video is of a Fararri car. Fararri cars are for sale at a dealership that is located one half mile from my house. Now, I do not need to buy a Fararri, because I experienced driving a Farrari, at a speed of 120 miles per hour, vicariously. (L.O.L.). One of the definitions of the word Vicarious is : "performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another, or to the benefit or advantage of another". (Meriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition).

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792 posts

My first tour of Paris! But where's the Eiffel Tower, did I miss it?

Actually, Paris was quite lovely when I visited it in Florida (EPCOT) in Novemeber. As were the other nine countries I visited that evening.

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1717 posts

The Title of that video is "Rendezvous in paris". (a Spirit Level Film). The playing time is less than nine Minutes.

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964 posts

Well, I'm going to Paris for a week soon- don't think I'll want to be seeing it this way though!!

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425 posts

It's like the "Bourne Identity" without the damages! I've not seen that many Peugeot 504's outside of West Africa!!

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842 posts

Well...I was going this weekend, but now that I've seen Paris I think I'll skip it, and head for Southern France.........