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Is Lyon France a "must see" city?

We are in the early stages of planning two weeks in France, with the majority of our time spent in Provence and Cote d' Azur. After two nights in Paris we will travel by TGV to either Lyon or Avignon, where will pickup a car. We have done some research and it appears Lyon is a worthy destination. I am looking for feedback and suggestions to determine if we should spend two nights in Lyon or spend two additional nights in southern France? Thanks in advance!

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81 posts

It depends on what you're looking for. Lyon is good for culture and food. The city has undergone lots of renovation recently and it really nice. For an idea of things to do there try or Southern France has more natural sights, pictoresque villages, and also food. Lyon is certainly a city with trafic and all the rest, so if you're looking for escape it might not be your first choice.

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3261 posts

Hi Steve,
My husband and I were in Lyon in January and stayed 4 nights--we really liked it! The restaurants are great and if you're there on a week-end, the markets (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) along the river are really fun. We enjoyed the Greco-Roman museum and just hanging out in the city. I'd go back again! I've been to Avignon but enjoyed Lyon more...can't say if you'll feel the same! If you decide to go, I hope you'll have a great time!

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711 posts

As Dan said , it depends on what you are looking for. It is a great larger city. My husband and I have photographed France for over 15 years and we are more intuned with the smaller places. We love to drive down from Paris and stop at the little villages such as Montreal , Flavigny, Chateauneauf, and all the small wineries in little towns and villages.This year instead of stopping east of the A6 on the way down to Provence we veered west to St. Julien de Civry. Driving in France couldn't be easier.We have heard from many of the people we stay with in Burgundy and the economy has hit them hard, also. Many of the B and B's and gites are offering great deals.

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1158 posts

If you fly out home from Paris, I would rent the car from Paris. TGV might be more expensive than renting a car and gas, since you have to pay per person.
You might like to stop in other areas along the way to Lyon.
Southern France is beautiful. I would spend a night in Lyon and more in SF.

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295 posts

We had the same choice last summer. We opted for an early arrival in Lyon, one night, and leaving in the afternoon for Arles. Lyon is fine for one day. SF is a lot more interesting.

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207 posts

I agree with Sharon. We had one extra day of travel on our railpass and picked Lyon out of the hat of possibilities. The Graeco-Roman museum is magnificent. The main plaza was as good as any... we stayed longer there than we usually do. The alley of great and moderate restuarants made us wish we had time for several meals there. The tram system is excellent and Centerville between two rivers was a joy. Two nights would be just right. As for SF, consider San Remy as a base- wonderful market, friendly town, great location for a HQ to visit everything from Aix to Avignon even the Camargue. George Werner, Pittsburgh

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139 posts

I have to ask if you have ever been to Paris. If not 2 days is not enough time to get any sense of the woderful city let alone see all the sites.

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26 posts

Good point Bill. We spent four days in Paris in 2007. We have a few things we want to see/do before we head south for the rest of our vacation.