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Is it safe to walk from the Aerobus stop in Placa de Catalunya

I'm planning to take the Aerobus Shuttle in Barcelona to Placa de Catalunya Square and walk a couple blocks to my hotel.

After reading alot about pickpockets and scam artists in Spain I'm sorta worried about having all my stuff with me - seems like a perfect target spot for thieves - at the airport shuttle bus stop.

I am planning on putting on my money belt at the airport before I leave, but just wondering how safe it would be to walk with a carryon, luggage, etc..

Just wanted people's opinion - do you think it'll be ok or should I take a taxi - or just like any city be careful and aware of my surroundings

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811 posts

Like you, we read a lot of info on Spain before we left, much of which was focused on petty theft/pickpocketing. Some of the info made Spain sound like a country where every other person had sticky fingers ( seemed to routinely have posts on the subject), and it was a little disconcerting. So it was with some trepedation that we stepped off the plane in Barcelona (we didn't want to be like the people who were pickpocketed before even leaving the airport!), but we quickly realized that Barcelona was just like any other city - one in which if you are situationally aware and heighten your street smarts, you should do ok.

The Placa de Catalunya is at the start of Las Ramblas, I believe, and can be a hubub of activity. Wear your money belt (as you already promised), maybe lock up your carryon bag (we do, and feel it is a little bit of a theft deterrent), be aware of your surroundings, keep a hand on your luggage, and study the map before being dropped off so you have a good idea of which direction to walk (or even ask the driver before you get off the bus).

And then have a ball - Spain is great!

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1003 posts

I felt very safe in Barcelona and echo everything Angela said. It sounds like you are smart, which means you'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, like Angela said, secure the zippers of your carryon and/or other bags with a small combo lock or even a paper clip (just enough of a hassle to deter a would-be pickpocket, he/she will just move on to someone easier). My traveling buddy and I walked from our hotel (near Placa Universitat) to Placa Catalunya (5-10 min walk) to catch the aerobus at like, 6:30am on a saturday or Sunday morning . Sure there were some unsavory characters enjoying their drunken weekend, but we didn't have any trouble. I think you should be fine if you keep your wits about you and be careful and aware. I don't read every report about unsavory happenings in Barcelona, but almost every one I read, the victim made a clear mistake that, had they not made it, would have prevented their pickpocketing. One thing I would advise would be to really study the maps and try to figure out exactly how to get to your hotel beforehand, so that you're not standing in this mega square that's busy, focusing on your map instead of your luggage and belongings. You're bound to be disoriented a bit, of course, but I found that doing the research beforehand allowed me to stay more aware of my surroundings.