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Is it easy to get Euros at the Dusseldorf airport? What about a cab? and...

I'll be in Dusseldorf for 7 hours on my way to Paris. It just occured to me that I can get my Euros there for both the layover and arrival in Paris - right?

Also, we want to store luggage at the airport so that we can tour around - are lockers readily available?

We're 6 people so I thought a taxi might be better than train to get into town. Thoughts? Cost? Time?

Anyone have a favorite - inexpensive - meal option in Dusseldorf?

Finally, we aren't learning German for a layover but would like some basic phrases for courtesy. Can anyone help with this?


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9369 posts

Make sure you leave plenty of time to get back to the airport and go back through security for your ongoing flight.

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2779 posts

Nancy, I fly withing Schengen countries frequently. The security checks there are not as bad as for flights bound to the US or outside of Schengen. It really is sufficient if Cecily arrives at the airport 60 minutes prior to her departure to Paris.

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12040 posts

Here's a useful word that covers one of your needs: Geldautomat = ATM

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2779 posts

There are plenty of Geldautomats and even attended currency exchanges at Düsseldorf airport. There is an ATM logo in Germany consisting of the letters E and C for Euro Cash ( For any information on the airport check sounds like the best idea. There are three main areas in Düsseldorf worthwhile exploring. The Königsalle (King's boulevard) or "Kö" as locals call it, is one of Germany's best shopping streets. Düsseldorf is Germany's #1 tourist destination for Korean and Japanese people because of the elegance and style. Then there is the old town down by the Rhine river. This is where the nightlife taxes place, it's got more pubs lined up than e.g. Temple Bar in Dublin! Very nice views of the river from there. And then there is Media Harbor, a must-see for modern archtitecture afficinados. I would end your 7 hours there because the view from the Rhine tower is just spectacular! Plenty of restaurants and bars are around that area as well. Don't worry about the language. Just politely ask people if they speak English and you'll be just fine. Also check out this website:

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2779 posts

By the way if you can see my post on the General Europe forum on best places to live. Düsseldorf scores very, very high!