I like some flexibility in my travel schedule. I don't like buying tickets weeks or months ahead for a specific time on a specific day which is why I prefer to use the regional trains whenever possible. From all the advice I've seen here, I think I've figured out most of the legs on this autumn's trip...except for Lucerne to Munich. In order to avoid paying insane last minute prices, it looks like we should travel to Lindau, then transfer to the regional train to Munich with the Bavarian Lander ticket. I'd appreciate advice from anyone who knows the ropes on this one. And also similar advice on the Salzburg to Vienna leg.
Use the German Rail (Bahn) website to find schedules. In General, regional trains take more time, mostly because they make more stops and go shorter distance, so you have to wait more for connecting trains. For example, Luzern to Munich is faster by an hour using another route. Going via Lindau by regional trains takes another hour vs express trains and another two hours vs express trains on other routes. But, if you are happy with the tradeoff of lower price vs more time, fine. As for Salzburg to Vienna, I haven't looked at schedules/fares recently, but last time I did, I found that using regional trains and an "Einfach Raus" ticket was not a good tradeoff. The longer time for the regional trains hardly justified, IMO, the lower fares. BTW, note that the Einfach Raus ticket cannot be used by a single traveler.
Thanks, Lee. I've settled all the routes EXCEPT Lucerne to Munich. Which German city would you suggest other than Lindau as the place to switch to the Bayern ticket?
OK, first, of course, the Bayern-Ticket is only valid for regional trains in Bavaria, so going through Lindau is almost the only way you can fully use the Bayern-Ticket. You could go across Bodensee from Romanshorn on the Swiss side to Friedrichshafen, then purchase a point-point ticket to Nonnenhorn (4,20/adult) and use a Bayern-Ticket from there. If you insist on using regional trains, there appears to be some faster connections, such as crossing into Baden-Württemburg (not Bayern) at Schaffhausen. From there you could use a QdL ticket on a workday or a Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket on a weekend for regional trains. But it could be less expensive, or as inexpensive, to find an advance purchase Savings Fare ticket using express trains through Basel and Ulm. Added: Note, if you go from St. Gallen to Lindau around the lake, you'll have a short distance through Austria (Bregenz).
If you like to be flexible, are you considering traveling on Westbahn on the Salzburg/Vienna leg? This is a private rail carrier in competition with oebb. Trains are sleek, modern and have wifi. You buy your ticket on the train and the current fare is 25 Euro. I don't think you can beat that with regional trains (which will take ages!). www.westbahn.at
"the current fare is 25 Euro. I don't think you can beat that with regional trains" The Einfach-Raus-Ticket, which is valid on regional trains, cost 32€ for 2 (16€/pers) to 5 (6,40€/pers)! But yes, regional trains take 6+ hours from Salzburg to Vienna, over twice as long as Westbahn (2½ hrs).
Lee, thanks for the detailed information. I'm beginning to think the best solution for the Lucerne-Munich leg is to bite the bullet & advance book a faster, more direct train. Emily, your suggestion is perfect for our needs. I believe that's precisely what we'll do. Thank you.