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Internet access

Hi, Does anyone know if there is easy access to the Internet when traveling through Switzerland? Something similar to Starbucks perhaps with free Internet? McDonalds maybe?

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565 posts

Eden- I've not been to Switzerland, but I imagine it's a fairly wired country like the rest of Western Europe. In the large European cities I've been to, there are many Internet cafes, especially near touristy areas and colleges. I only connect to the Internet from these places, as it is much cheaper than trying to do it from my iphone or lugging a notebook around with me.
To me, this is a much better solution than trying to find places with free wi-fi or haggling with a hotelier about prices.

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1152 posts

Can't say how easy the access is, but do a search on "wifi access Switzerland" and you see lots and lots of places listed. One of the sites in the search results,, lets you filter your results to access points that are free. There are, apparently Starbucks in Switzerland because I saw at least one listed. Not personal experience, so I hope someone else chimes in. I have used Boingo wifi, which advertises access worldwide. I didn't find it useful, though. Too hard to find a Boingo spot versus all the other wifi spots. That may have been a product of where I was, though. It might be worth checking out. It would, at least, be another source showing wifi locations.

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32325 posts

Eden, Where are you going to be staying when in Switzerland? Most Hotels, Hostels and B&B's offer Wi-Fi for guests and sometimes provide a computer in the lobby. Wi-Fi is either included in the cost of the room or for a small extra charge. I've never used Starbucks or McDonalds, as access is so easy at the Hotels. Happy travels!