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In Paris on 11/11/11, How to commemorate?

Hi everyone, My wife and I are going back to Paris in a few days and we will be there for November 11, 2011. I am looking for an auspicious way to commorate this date. I know from experience there are plenty of very cool and memorable things to do in Paris. But if you had to pick one thing that you would remember forever as occuring on a specific date what would you do? I thought something like be on top of the Eiffel Tower at 11:11 on 11/11/11. Is that too cliche?? What would you suggest?

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275 posts

November 11 is a public holiday in France, so most things in Paris will be shut. The Eiffel tower should be an exception. I haven't been there on November 11, but I have been there on May 1, and I remember that the Eiffel Tower was extra busy that day due to all the shops and museums being shut. So if you do want to go to the tower, then you should queue up early.

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389 posts

Hmmm, does the Eiffel Tower have something to do with the end of the First World War? If it's just the date symmetry you're going for, the world is your oyster. Nov. 11, 2018 will be a day to be in Paris. Virtually an entire generation of Frenchmen was lost in that war, unlike anything the U.S. has experienced (twice the casualties of the U.S. Civil War in percentage terms I believe)

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33164 posts

Mark, are you celebrating all the ones or commemorating Remembrance Day?

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76 posts

Truthfully I was so focused on it being 11-11-11 I didn't realize it was Armistice day when I originally posted. I understand there is a parade and ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe that we now plan on attending.