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Ice caves in Austria

We're heading to Austria this summer and will be spending some time in the Salzkammergut (Hallstatt). I only want to visit one ice cave while I'm there as well as one salt mine tour. For the former we're looking at eitehr Dachstein-Rieseneishöhle (just south of Hallstatt) or the Eisriesenwelt caves outside of Werfen. As for the salt mines we're looking at those in Hallstatt or the seemingly less touristy ones over in Altaussee. For that matter are they just tourist traps or genuinely worth the visit?

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1 posts

We went to the salt caves at Hallstatt last summer and enjoyed the visit. It is a little touristy, but still fun. It was interesting to go down into the caves & to learn about the history. I think the caves are all pretty similar, so if you're actually staying in Hallstatt, I wouldn't make the effort to drive elsewhere.

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3551 posts

I thought the salt caves where more for children and touristy. Time is much better spent floating on the Lake or walking Hallstat village.

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104 posts

My husband and I really enjoyed the ice cave at Dachstein and the salt mine at Hallstatt last fall. There was quite a bit of steep walking and I was very impressed with the ability of the older people on the tour. We were the only Americans but everything was said in both German and English. They even invited us to join in with some schnapps tasting!