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I know I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow . . .

. . . because the Euro has climbed over 1.40 for the first time since January. Grrrrr.

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10344 posts

Yep, as of today something that costs €100 will actually cost you about $141 (interbank rate + 2%).

Posted by
2841 posts

I suggest you focus on the positive. In your case this would be -- "leaving for Europe tomorrow." That trumps everything else!

Posted by
72 posts

Carroll, you are right. I'm fortunate to have a rising euro as a problem. Really looking forward to the trip.

Posted by
2297 posts

the exchange rates are completely outside your control. So are many other things. But there are still ways to keep costs managable when preparing your trip and while you're there.

Last year we went to Italy when the Euro was at $1.65. Never in my life had I seen such a horrible exchange rate. Still, we managed to keep our cost/per person/day at almost the same rate as during our family trip to the US this spring - EVERYTHING included even airfare. Accommodation is generally cheaper in Europe than around here as is eating out in many cases (for the price of a glass of wine you'll get a caraffe!).

Posted by
59 posts

I trade currencies for a living. One thing some folks feel comfortable doing is paying in cash as you go which has always worked for me because I wear a money belt as Rick advises. When the Euro was down in the 1.25 area I bought some for my upcoming trip. I have always paid for my hotel,food and sightseeing in cash which works well if you dont mind carrying cash. Its always with me and never in the hotel. The Euro looks to be going back up but should come down again once or twice during the next year (probably not as low as 1.25). With a moneybelt I have never been victimized so I am comfortable

Posted by
368 posts

Look at it more this way, the US$ devalued...

It doesn't really help. ;)

However, it is awesome for us living in Canada! If it goes down to par again, I might consider a shopping trip.

Posted by
72 posts

Terry, here's a hot currency trading tip:

My trip ends June 8th. Expect a big decline in the Euro immediately thereafter.

I'm just joking here folks. Can't do anything about a rising Euro except whine a little and make lame jokes.

Posted by
59 posts

Eric you are a crack up. Thanks for the tip. If it works I will share with By the time you read this you will have returned so I hope you had a fabulous trip. Europe is expensive but I keep going back because of its beauty,culture and intresting history. Ive met some very nice folks there also which is fun. All in all its the best return on my money I can think of so again I hope your trip was worth every dollar you spent.

Posted by
32406 posts

I don't worry too much about the exchange rates, as these are constantly fluctuating (as I'm sure Terry knows). The "bottom line" is that I'm travelling, and that's the important thing.

Have a great holiday and try to focus in the priceless memories you'll come home with.

Happy travels!

Posted by
108 posts

Yeah. When we were there in '07 it was $173! Like my husband told me at the time, stop looking at it and enjoy your vacation.