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How to use couple extra days in Spain May 2012

Here's another of those msgs I hate: how do YOU think I should spend my time? How would YOU know what I like, anyway! Well I'll ask anyway... I've worked out a 19-day trip to Spain that includes 2 full days and a day trip in Barcelona; 2 day trips from Sevilla to white towns and Jerez plus 1-1/2 days in Sevilla itself; 1-1/2 days in Cordoba; 1-1/2 days in Granada; 2 full days plus 2 day trip days in Madrid; and we could tack on 1 or 2 more full days anywhere along that itinerary. The fractional days above are days we'd be taking a train from A to B, and in each case we'd have about a half day in "B", as noted above. So what d'ya think? If we added a day or two, where best could we spend it? I'm thinking maybe adding Cadiz after Jerez and before Granada, for one of them, and maybe more time in Granada so we could see the Alhambra during the day and again during evening hours. What else do you all suggest we consider?

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16774 posts

Your itinerary sounds similar to what we did this past May, except we did not visit any white towns or Jerez; our Sevilla time was spent in Sevilla because it was Feria and wonderful to be there. We did spend 3 nights in Granada and immersed ourselves in the Alhambra: a night visit, a 5- hour walking tour of the water courses built by the Moors (" Conquest of Water"), and then the following day a regular Alhambra visit. That left us with evenings to visit Mirador San Nicolas and find fun places for a tapas dinner downtown ( Bar Oliver was great). Another favorite place was Toledo, where we spent two nights. So to answer you question, I would add another night in Granada and one in Toledo. But that is just us.

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306 posts

Aha. A night in Toledo I hadn't considered... But since I grew up in Detroit, I never WOULD have considered spending a night in Toledo if I could help it!

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306 posts

That last remark about Toledo was SUPPOSED to have another line, that apparently got dropped when I enclosed it in brackets! So as not to offend Ohioans TOO much, here is what got left off my last response: Sorry, Ohioans, I couldn't help myself! Go Blue!

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6788 posts

About the white hill towns - and Toledo: I strongly recommend spending the night in these towns, rather than making them day trips. Same for Toledo. All of them get LOTS of - you guessed it - day tripping tourists. Around 4 pm, they all get back on their bus and leave, and then the old towns on the hills become really magical. It's really the best way to see them - without the crowds, with quiet streets, they are really special. My favorite (by far) was Arcos. Ronda was nice too, but overwhelmed with tourists (even at night) so was less charming. Also: there's no need to spend a day-and-a-half in Cordoba. Cordoba is best done as a 1/2 day stop on the fast train between Madrid and Sevilla. As long as you get an early start and have your act together, you can easily see all the good stuff in Cordoba in about 3-6 hours, then get back on the train and continue, arriving in Madrid or Sevilla (depending on which way you're going) in time for dinner. If you have extra time, consider a side-trip from Madrid to Segovia and/or Avila. Hope that helps.

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16774 posts

My husband grew up in Ohio and he assures my the Spain Toledo is very different. The funny thing is, along Calle de la Plata, at the intersection where we turned into "our" street ( mind you these are narrow pedestrian walkways, not streets as we think of them), there was a plaque that said "Toledo in Ohio" indicating someone's sense of humor. It became our reference point when we wandered the narrow winding streets. It is a lovely town worthy of more than a day trip. Two of our best dinners in Spain were in Toledo.

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4535 posts

I recommend one night in Toledo and either some extra time in Granada or Sevilla. I personally prefer Sevilla and 1 1/2 days doesn't seem enough time to give that city justice. But staying longer in Granada can give you more time for extra Alhambra tours. You can also cut time in Cordoba, but it is a nice place to stay overnight.

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306 posts

so many towns, so little time (and euros...) Thx, all, for all the great ideas

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3696 posts

Ann Arborite here (Michigan)... so I understand the Toledo thing. I have been to Spain, but bypassed Toledo (only because we ran out of time) It looks like you have lots planned so I would suggest spending a little more quiet time in the white towns just wandering around and chilling out and spending some time in the beautiful countryside of Spain.