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How To Receive A Discount Off Hotel Stay - Paris (Rue Cler Hotels)

Can anyone provide some guidance on how I can secure a 10% discount quoted in the 2011 Paris guidebook? In the book, it reads that this particular Rue Cler hotel will offer "a 10 percent discount on top of discounted rates". I booked my stay through the hotel website and inquired about how I go about receiving the discount. My card is not charged until I arrive. The hotel manager won't honor the 10% discount because I am receiving a "special" rate for staying more than three nights. This doesn't sit well me and I am considering canceling my reservation. I am hoping fellow travelers can offer advice or share experiences on how to politely secure a discount quoted in the guidebook. Thanks all!

Posted by
10321 posts

If referring to the Hotel Relais Bosquet, someone has answered that questions for you a few questions below yours. The title is "Hotel Relais Bosquet".

Posted by
16772 posts

The discount quoted in the 2011 book is for 2011. They may have changed the deal for 2012, or maybe offer none at all. If they say you have already gotten a discount for a 3-night stay, that is probably it.

Posted by
2349 posts

A merchant is free to set a price, and you are free to accept or reject it. If a third party advertises a discount, that does not make it so. You should accept the price they've given you if it seems to be good value compared to other hotels. If not, look elsewhere.

Posted by
635 posts

Before you get all huffy and cancel your reservation, make sure you have another one you're happy with. I made reservations last week for the last week in April and got the last double/twin room in the hotel. More may show up later due to cancellations but I know I'm covered. I will keep my eyes open for a better deal but I'm pretty happy with what I have right now. The 3 day rates are usually the best that you can do at a hotel.

Posted by
2764 posts

Find a nice hotel that is NOT in Rick's book. The Rue Cler area hotels seem to be taking Rick's fans for granted and taking advantage of them IMHO. A little less "blind loyalty" might be good for them. I gave one of the hotels two chances... and moved out of the area. Better service, cheaper rates etc...

Posted by
9109 posts

The proprietor isn't taking anyone for "granted" or even taking "advantage" of anyone LOL. Hotels aren't supermarkets, it's standard practice in most all of these small European hotels to allow just one discount to the room-rate...regardless if they're listed in Rick's books. Nothing new here.

Posted by
9018 posts

Most places are only going to offer one discount per customer, so if you want the RS discount, you can't have the other ones. Why be greedy? Do people really think a Paris hotel depends on RS readers to keep their rooms full? I doubt they care very much at all, even if they are offering a discount to RS guidebook holders. A discount where you get 4 nights for the price of 3, etc. sounds like the much better deal to me, so perhaps less attitude about the RS discount and be happy you got an even better bargain.

Posted by
3580 posts

You can ask for a discount for paying with cash. I tried this at Hotel Leveque once, and got a definite "non." So, I paid with a credit card. I thought the hotel was foolish to refuse a discount for cash, since they have to pay the bank for credit card payments. Any discounts need to be negotiated at the time of reservation, IMO. If it is in writing, the hotel will (probably) honor it. If the hotel says no to a discount, and it really matters to you, find another hotel. Paris must have at least 1000 hotels to choose from.

Posted by
33175 posts

Swan I take your point about not offering a discount for cash because the hotel has to pay for use of the card. But I wouldn't count on that as the reason, many places have special cash accounting so that they keep more of it. A credit card transaction will cost them about 1% to 1.2%; a debit card about €0.35. So they would not come out ahead with a 10% discount.

Posted by
11507 posts

Tee ,, just find a cheaper hotel,, the ones on Rue Cler are not the be all end all you know,, there are( as pointed out in previous posts) thousands of hotels in Paris,, and many of us here have never even stayed on Rue Cler,, in fact till my 8 or 9 visit to Paris I never heard of Rue Cler,, and when I did visit it was surprised about all the hoopla on here about it.. there are many cute areas, cute streets, marekets, etc, all over Paris.