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How much time to allow in Carcassonne

I'm doing a monthlong trip and am considering trying to go see Carcassonne. I'm thinking of taking a night train from Milan to Carcassonne, gets in at 08:19, then out on a night train to Paris at 23:40-07:30. I was originally going to spend a day or two in both Loire and Dordogne valleys, but they sounds inaccessable by train. Can I see and do everything in Carcassonne in a day? Would 36 hours and a night train out the next day be too much time? Thanks, tn.

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10344 posts

You can see the fortified Cité in half a day. Carcassonne train station does not have baggage storage (as of 2008)--so not sure what you'll do with your baggage.For what it's worth, the advice usually given--to those who haven't had much experience trying to sleep on night trains--is to be cautious about scheduling back-to-back night trains, because of the exhaustion factor by the second day. But if you're a night train veteran, then presumably you know what you're doing. (Curious: are you taking the 19 hour or 16.5 hour night train? Hopefully the one where you only make two changes instead of five changes?)You asked about spending the night: that's what I'd do, since you're night training into Carcassonne from Milan and would want to get a good night's sleep in a bed (but allow for the fact that I might be saying that because I'm getting to be an old geezer).

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4132 posts

You can see the old city in a day, and (if Kent's warning don't give you pause) be satisfied. But I have to wonder if such a detour is worth the trouble, especially given that the best time to spend in Carcassonne is arguably the morning and evening.

The old city is a good distance from the train station, but there should be taxis.

Plenty of stuff to see between Milan and Paris that does not require a car.

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10344 posts

Same as Adam, not that it's any of our business, but we answered your question, so Tim can you give us your thinking on your itinerary, because I have to admit that I did have the same thought as Adam, when I saw the itinerary: from Milan 18 hours overnight train to Carcassonne, arrive 8am, rest of day in Carcassonne, then overnight train to Paris. Milan - Carcassonne - Paris: why? I mean, it's Tim's money and trip--but it seems curious when there are so many potential destinations between Milan and Paris. Maybe Tim has seen everything else?

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14 posts

You guys are awesome, this is great! Here's a whirlwind of my itinerary: Castelrotto (2), Verona/Pauda/Vicenza, Milan, (three days I can't decide on, see below), Paris(2-there for thre in '08), Brugge(2),Luxembourg(1/2)-Baden-Baden(1.5), St.Goar(2)(there two in 08+Rothenburg), Wurzbug(1/2)&Nurnberg(1.5), Munich(2). Meet my wife for Prague(3),Gorlitz & Dresden (2), Budapest(2+),Wien (3), Lauterbrunnen(2+), Berlin(2),Copenhage3n(2). In between Milan and Paris, I've already been all around Salzburg & Munich.

So my three up in the air days:
a) more time in Milan (36hrs)(Uncle Rick isn't very high on Milan); Orvieto&Civita (36hrs), 6 hours redoing the highlights of Florence & my favorite restaurant before a night train to Paris
b) 1-2 days around Carcassonne. I was going to try to work my way up from Carcassonne to Paris, but RS says that its very difficult w/o car
c) 1 day in Carcassonne, then spend those other two days elsewhere. Don't want to gob back to CinqueT, considering Assissi.

So any suggestions?

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4132 posts

Arles, Avignon, or Lyon do not require a car, have lots to see and do, and are enroute. If you get a nice day and you like to pedal a bicyle, you could make a strong case for Beaune.

None of this is to knock Carcassonne, but these are some obvious alternatives.

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172 posts

Maybe Milan (1 day) and the lakes? Lake Como (one day) and Lake Maggiore (sp?)(one day) are beautiful and an easy hr. or so train ride from Milan. Not to knock Carc. (was there in the spring, and also great place to see). Nothing beats the ferry ride around either lake for scenery! That would take care of your three days!

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10344 posts

Tim: Given the other places on your itinerary and those that are not, I think Adam has the perfect idea for you: On the way from Milan to Paris, explore Provence! This would be: Milan to Arles to Avignon. Both of these highly rated destinations on the main rail lines and appear to me to make more sense for you. And then if you still have time, you could stop at Lyon on your way to Paris.Your itinerary is a fine one, showing careful planning. These two or three destinations are more equivalent to the other fine destinations on your itinerary. And I'm glad you took our meddling into your itinerary in the spirit it was intended, to help point out options you might not have considered that could help round out your itinerary in a way that will help make your trip what you would like it to be.

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14 posts

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I think I've come up with an option for those flex days that I like a little better for those flex days as mentioned in previous threads:

d1- day in Milan, 1940-0819 train to Carcassone; either night there & early train to Arles or 1936-2154 train to Arles
d2-day trip to Pont du Gard & Avignon
d3-Arles market, 1600 train to Paris
d4-after a night in Paris, to Versailles the next AM.

I'm not finding a good night train to Provence region from Milano or Venice, so Carcassonne is back in the mix. If you have any more suggestions, I'd still really appreciate it.

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10344 posts

Tim: Re your last post about night trains to Provence--Are you using this site to look at the schedules? that site I see several night trains from Milano Centrale to Arles.Pont du Gard is probably best done by connecting with a tour out of Avignon rather than Arles.

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14 posts

Thanks Kent, I guess, I'm being a little bit of a Night-train snob, because I want a NT where I can get at least six consecutive hours of sleep without having to get up. The night trains from Milan all involved only 4-5 hours of sleep and way too many transfers. Am I missing a good one?

In your opinion could I do justice to Arles if I got in at 2154, day tripped to Pont du Gard, then was there the next day until 1600 (it'd be a Wed. market day.)