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Hotels in Murren Switzerland

Any thoughts or opinions on Guesthouse Eiger vs. Chalet Fontana vs. Hotel Alpina in Murren? We are family of four visiting in July 2008 with Swiss Pass. Any personal recommendations are appreciated!

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7209 posts

I would always vote for the Chalet Fontana for several's amazingly cheap, clean, comfortable, wonderfully helpful British owner (Denise), #1 rated on Tripadvisor, the Chalet's apartment would be perfect for a was perfect for my family.

I've also stayed in the Alpenruh Hotel in Muerren which was nice, but I prefer the "chalet" atmosphere when in the Alps.

Hotel Alpina was some very nasty reviews lately. I've never stayed at the Guesthouse Eiger, but I've eaten in the restaurant and it wasn't particularly good. Obviously you can't judge a hotel by it's restaurant, but when in Murren, if the Chalet Fontana is available, there is no need to look anywhere else (imho).

The Chalet Fontana books up extremely quickly because of all of the characteristics I just listed so if you have a definite date in mind then you better book early.

[email protected] (Denise Fussell)

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769 posts

Hotel Jungfrau was also very nice this past Sept/Aug. But with a family the apt style may be a better fit.

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16801 posts

We also love the apartment at Chalet Fontana. It is perfect for a family of four. No views directly out the windows, but it is right in the center of things. And we like the chance to cook once in a while.