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Hotel in Zurich - suggestions?

We are arriving in Zurich on September 17 and leaving on September 18 for Muerren. Much as we would like to continue to Muerren on 9/17 I feel we may not be up to it after such a long flight. Is there is hotel near to the main train station that anyone can recommend? I have a room at the Limmathof but the reviews are not inspiring, though the location is great. Thanks!

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852 posts

Hôtel Rütli is a three-star recommendation, Nadine. Have a look at their web site before you decide to change hotels. Your Limmathof Hôtel is probably a fine choice too, in spite of the "missing" reviews, but that's just our guess ... Gute Reise! P

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27 posts

Hi, When we were in Zuich we stayed at Hotel Bristol. We got the cheaper room and it was nice. It is only a couple blocks from the main train station. I do not know how the two hotels compare. You look like you are doing what we did only in reverse. We went to Zurich the day before we flew home. We had a nice afternoon and evening there but it wasn't enough time. We could have easily spent a couple days there. I guess that what next trips are for. Also if you are looking for nice towns not far from Zurich, Luzern is also a good pick. I hope you have a good trip.

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484 posts

Thanks for the suggestions.
Donald - I have been to Zurich and Luzern before and really loved it. I think Zurich is very nice and I am looking forward to being there again though its just for a day. I have never been to Muerren and the Berner Oberland region so that is the highlight of our trip.