Does anyone on the board have personal experience with this hotel. Our first choice hotel was full and they recommended this one, though its not in the RS book. TripAdvisor has 4 out of 5 bullets. Most of the complaints were about small rooms (not too worried about that) and rude staff. But still it is rated pretty high. But I thought I'd get some first hand opinions before I book anything. Thoughts.... :P
There's nothing wrong with it - - it's fine, but it's been a few years. Who recommended it, the folks next door who own both of them?
@Ed - LOL...possibly. The Hotel Grands Ecoles was booked, so they recommended it along with another close by.
Actually I was dead serious. I think it's the Minerva that's next door the the Famila and the same people own (or did own) both. Most of them in that general area are about the same in case you get stuck. The only one I've found that really sucks is the Mercure just across the street from the west side of the Sorbonne. It was okay when it was something else, but now it's really humble.