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Watching one of Rick's videos, I saw that he recommended a hotel by the name of HOTEL du TOURSIME in the Rue Cler neighborhood in Paris, France. I know I have the spelling correct, because I stopped the DVD and wrote it down.

I also have Rick's PARIS 2010 book and his book on Seeing Europe for people with Mobility issues.

This 2 star hotel is not in either book.

Has anyone stayed there, and could help me with this hotel??? Want to go to Paris at Christmas and want to stay at this hotel.

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9110 posts

I've never heard of it, but the spelling looks off. You might see what happens if you google it with the 's' and 'i' reversed from the way you have it in the text (the thread title looks okay).

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3580 posts

My guess is that this is not the hotel's name but is part of the plaque that indicates the number of stars for a tourist hotel. I think it was either the Grande Hotel Leveque or Hotel Champs du Mars.

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2092 posts

Ron, I went to tripadvisor to find it. It has good reviews but I wouldn't say that it's in the rue Cler neighborhood since it's in the 15th arrondisement. I found it on google maps/streetview.

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14 posts

Thanks to all of you who responded on the hotel name... Its nice to see that many of you knew exactly what I was talking about, and watched Rick's DVD and when the section I was questioning...Thanks again