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Hostels in Paris

I have some friends coming to visit me in Paris and they are looking to stay in a hostel. Does anyone have any good recommendations for ones that are in a good location, clean, etc? Thanks!

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8700 posts

There are three MIJE hostels, not one, and all are in the Marais. Both the Rick Steves and Lonely Planet Paris guidebooks call them the best budget accommodations in Paris. Based on my stay at Fourcy, I'd agree.

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390 posts

Check out the MIJE hostel in Paris - highly recommended by lots of people on this board. It's located in the Marais. Dorms from €30/night.

The Auberge Internationale des Jeunes is also very good. Located very close to Bastille. Dorms from €15/night.

Hostel Perfect was also very good, although they only have private rooms. €25/person/night for a shared double. Near Montmartre.