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Hostels in Montmartre Paris area

I am thinking of staying in the Montmartre area for some character, I was looking at two hostels Le Village and Calaincourt (spelling?) Is anyone familiar with those two and if they have a kitchen for cooking, that should help with $$$

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8700 posts

While I haven't stayed at Le Village Hostel myself, I've read several favorable reviews on the Thorntree, Lonely Planet's bulletin board. According to the hostel's Web site,, there are kitchen facilities.

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27 posts

Hopefully you have been to the area before because Montmarte was the only place in Paris that I felt was a little shady. Personally, I wouldn't sleep there. The constant police patrols circling Sacre Cour only verifies this for me. I'd go there again I just wouldn't want to be walking back to my hotel at night. My two cents.

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333 posts

Bryan, we stayed a week in Montmartre in 2000. Myself , my wife and 3 kids 9-15. I never thought the area was a problem. We were usually back in the hotel by 9:30-10. I also would wake up early and go for a walk when the only ones out were the street cleaners. The boulangeries were not even open! We did have friends who lived within 2 blocks of the hotel,they have lived in Montmartre for years, they are Parision born and raised. I can't help with a hostel but the area was definitely cheaper than being close to the city center. Remember the metro has stops just about anywhere.

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1 posts

I've just returned from Paris and I stayed in Montmarte, near Abbessess.(I rented a one bedroom apartment, with a large bedroom and a double bed, plus a fold out couch in the living room for 60 Euro a night. Just something to consider in terms of cooking and saving money.) I have not stayed in either Hostel, but the area where Le Village is located is pretty shady at night. I'm a city girl and I was very uncomfortable walking there at night. I wouldn't stay there. Caulaincourt is actually very nice and far away from the tourist spots. It is also a long walk from any attractions,though close if you take the Metro. It has plenty of charcater, without the hype and the high prices. Good luck.