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Hostal Cervantes

I am traveling to Madrid to meet up with my daughter who is studying abroad. She is near the Gran Via at Calle Concepcion de Arenal. Can anyone suggest hotels nearby? Is Hostal Cervantes near there? I cannot rely on my daughter for information simply because she is a teenager!

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Carol...mine are in their early 20's and it doesn't seem to get much better :) Concepion de Arenal is just to the north of the major pedestrian shopping streets that branch off Puerta de Sol in downtown Madrid. Hostal Cervantes is to the east of Sol, very close to the Prado, and close to the Atocha railway station. You would probably be about a half hour walk apart. I usually stay at the Hostal Cruz Sol on Plaza Santa Cruz, close to Sol and probably about a 20 minute walk from where your daughter is. If you go to you can find the various locations by inserting those various addresses and getting a view of where you are, and where you want to go.