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Hostal America or Hotel Chelo, Madrid

Hello - I was hoping to get RS readers' opinions on 2 hostals in Madrid: Hostal America and Hotel Chelo. Has anyone stayed there before? Do you have any comments? Thanks!

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638 posts

I haven't stay at either of those locations, I have stayed in hostals in Madrid. These are normally small family run hotel type facilities. I have stayed in a couple of others Hostal Adriano and Hostal Santa Cruz. I found both places similar in style and comfort. Basic but comfortable, and quiet. I recommend going to a website dedicated to Madrid, I looked up these hostales on his site and they are situated just off the Grand Via, a good location, very centrally located for sites and transportation. A great memory for me was being on the Grand Via last July while Spain celebrated their winning of the World Cup.

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80 posts

Hostal America: It's located on Calle Hortaleza, 19, about 150 meters from the Gran Vía. From their website: "All rooms have their own restroom / bathroom. TV, Air Conditioned and Safety box" I have to wonder if the single room has its own restroom - which is not common for single rooms in "hostales". Single from 36 €, Double from 48 € Hostal Chelo:
It's also located on the Calle Hortalez, 17, maybe 145 meters from the Gran Vía. From their website: "Heat & TV" - but I believe they also have air conditioning although it's not on their website. Both of the above are nearly equidistant to the Chueca neighborhood as they are to the Gran Vía. Both have elevators and free Wi-Fi Internet for guests. I spent a night in a single room at Hostal Chelo back in 2000. Even then it was clean, basic, comfortable, and I (now) know the family personally. The son of the family, Antonio, speaks English very well and is knowledgeable about Madrid tourism. What's your budget? Saludos, MadridMan @ you-know-where!

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712 posts

Thanks for the tip. I actually just looked up the other two places you mentioned and they look very nice indeed so I sent an info request to them. As far as our budget, we would love to pay no more than 20 euro per person per night. Right now there are 3 of us, although there may be a 4th. So anything in the 60-80 euro range is good. We are not extremely picky as far as location is concerned, because I am a firm believer in public transportation, and our departing flight from Madrid does not leave until 5pm so there is no need to rush to the airport in the early hours. We really just want something clean, with a private bath and in a safe area. Thanks!

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638 posts

Using public transportation is very simple and efficient. The metro is quick, modern, clean and covers practically anywhere you want to go, even the airport, it takes about a half hour to get to the airport from central Madrid.

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80 posts

Keep in mind that most rooms at "hostales" are small-ish, usually only big enough for two single beds or one double bed. This is the typical-size room but most "hostales" will have 1 or 2 or even 3 bigger rooms for 3-persons. Finding one to accommodate 4 persons will be challenging but they do exist. Best of luck! Saludos, MadridMan @ you-know-where!