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Holiday weekend in Paris

We will be in Paris for 6 days, 3 of which will be over the Labor Day holiday ( May 1 which is a Friday) I know all the museums will be closed on Friday, and I understand that it will be very crowded in the city that weekend. Has anyone been in Paris over that holiday? ARe there any festivities that go on on May 1 that are worth seeing. We were planning on staying away from the major sites that weekend, and do more walking tours of neighborhoods and hopefully avoid some of the crowds. Or should we get out of town altogether, maybe a daytrip to Chartres? I am assuming Versailles will be very busy as well. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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94 posts

Thanks Kent. I have already read that discussion. I guess I just really want to know how bad the crowds will possibly get, so I can plan accordingly. With only 6 days in Paris, I wasn't really looking to do a day trip elsewhere, but if it is going to be really crowded, then it might be a good idea to get out of the city for a day.

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875 posts

We were there last May 1 which was a 4-day major holiday weekend. We thought everyone in France had come to Paris....for the whole weekend! Since May 1st is a national holiday, I doubt that going out of town would be that helpful. Unfortunately, Sat & especially Sunday will be unbelievably crowded in the museums -- try to go prior to May 1st if you can. The other alternative is to go to the wonderful, but less frequented museums: Marmotten (if you love Monet!) and the Cluny is extraordinary. But remember, Paris is huge, and you shouldn't have any trouble finding things to do and places to see.
Go to the Notre Dame plaza on Sat. nite and see all the free entertainment by different people. It's great fun.
Yes, the weekend will be good to explore neighborhoods and just revel in the fact that you are, after all, in Paris!