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Holiday Season in Paris and Barcelona- which order?


I'm planning to go to Europe from Dec 23rd to Jan 2nd or 3rd, and will be visiting Paris and Barcelona. I'm wondering if I should spend Christmas in Paris and New Years in Barcelona, or vice versa. Any recommendations??


Posted by
506 posts

Take a look at - this is a website that has information for expats in both France and Spain.

I am unsure of celebrations in Barcelona.

I can tell you that Paris is magical during the Christmas season. New Years Eve - there are usually fireworks - and the Champs Elysees is jammed with people. However, most Parisians spend the evening quietly with a late dinner party with friends - then walk to the river to see the fireworks.

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12040 posts

We loved Paris over last Christmas! Coming from the US, with giant inflatable Santa Clauses and cheap Christmas decorations and annoying Christmas Muzak in every store, the more low-key but stylish approach to the holiday in Paris was a delight.

OK, so that really didn't answer your question. I can't compare because I've never been to Barcelona at any time of year.

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12313 posts

For a couple of reasons I would do North first and South next.

First you will give yourself the best chance of good weather going North to South.

Second, although I haven't been during Christmas celebrations, I'm pretty sure French celebrate Christmas and Spanish celebrate Jan. 6th (the day the magi saw the star, can't remember the name).