I'm risking the fact that I know I'll get some flack for looking like I'm setting times to do each thing. Really, I'm not. I just did this to get a feeling for what we can fit in comfortably. It will all be transparent to my family and I know to be very flexible (having this knowledge will allow me to be flexible and know how to add/subtract things from our day).
Finalizing our trip and I'm having trouble with one day. We're doing the Historic Paris Walk starting with Notre Dame at 9am and adding in the Tower Climb-in line before 10am (1 hr?), and the Crypt for 15 min. I figure we'll stop at a cafe on Place St. Andres des Arts for lunch (is 2 hrs. about right?). Then I've also added the Cluny after lunch for an hour, as RSs suggests. Then we finish up the H.P. Walk. Adding all this up with the 4 hours for the walk I'm not done until 6pm. RSs book itin's say you can do this walk plus the Cluny in just a "morning", so I must be doing something wrong. I know Rick's doesn't include the Tower climb and the Crypt, but I've only allowed 1.25 hrs. for those, so I still shouldn't be at 6pm? Maybe Rick's walk includes the Tower/Crypt? I'd love to fit in some other things this day, so I'm interested to hear how long this has taken others?