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Help with traveling to Vienna

Hi, I am trying to plan a trip to visit someone in Vienna and with my general lack of ticket purchasing savvy and the over abundance of online low fare ticket finding sites I am feeling a little lost. I am planning a week to two week trip for some time in the fall. Is there a particular time in the fall where flights from the New York City area to Vienna would be the cheapest? Should I even fly into Vienna from the U.S. or would it save me a lot of money to fly into a different city and perhaps take one of those low cost European air carriers the remainder? What days are the cheapest to fly to Europe from New York City? Should I try to get a ticket as soon as possible or is it too soon for a trip in the fall? I don't have a lot of money so any advice on how to travel to Vienna as cheaply as possible would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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565 posts

Welcome. First of all, it's a good idea you'd like to travel to Vienna in the fall. I would suggest late fall, around late October-early November, if you don't mind the cooler weather. The prices start climbing back up for Christmas market season. There's no reason not to fly into Vienna from the US-those Euro discount carriers may look like a good deal, but if you have to check a bag, there's a charge, and there can even be a charge for picking a seat. Austrian Airlines flies direct to Vienna, but I believe it's only from Dulles and Toronto, so if you'd like to take a train from New York to Washington and fly from there that could be an option. Usually, the best deal is on the carrier's website, but I've found better deals on Expedia or CheapTickets. You will have to do some research, but it will be worth it. Have a great time!

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3049 posts

Generally from the U.S. Frankfurt is a cheap airport to fly into. I'd check rates there, then rates from Frankfurt to Vienna using You might come up with a better deal, but listen to the previous poster about luggage restrictions. If you're really a broke traveler though I'm sure you can deal with those, right? I just found really cheap tickets back to the U.S. on Skyscanner today...a little over 400 bucks one way from Frankfurt to San Francisco. Being based in New York you should have even cheaper options. So you might get lucky.

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8223 posts

The airlines are in a dilemma with Fall fares with recent jet fuel prices and indecision on the Iran situation. It's hard to tell when the best fares will be in the Fall. You should wait a little closer to your trip to scout out the best fares. The best fares are usually found 45 days prior to departure, and mid week is the best time to go. Watch the travel sections in the Sunday New York newspapers for travel agent and consolidator fares. Also, sign into or other internet ticket sellers from time to time to watch the trends. If you don't feel comfortable making travel plans, any good travel agent can easily guide you through your best flight options. FYI: K&T Boardinghouse is as reasonable of a place to stay in Vienna, with small properties in the best center city location. It's a great city to visit.

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672 posts

I realize that you are wanting to travel in the Fall, but I am signed up for a Newark (NJ)-Vienna fare watch on 'Airfare Watchdog' and just got notice last week of flights around $780 RT including taxes for travel up to mid-June. I think most of the flights changed in Zurich, but there was not much of a layover. This was a pretty amazing price considering where airfares are right now and what they will be in the summer. So, I would anticipate that you could find a RT air ticket for the Fall for less than $800, barring a Middle East crisis. You can also go to the Austrian Airlines website and look for special deals ('red ticket'). They also have flight/hotel packages which vary in price greatly depending on the season.

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3049 posts

Michael, if you read my post carefully you'll see I noted "one way" from Frankfurt to San Francisco for about $400 US. Not round trip. (Although I was still able to find an R/T from Frankfurt to SF and back for under $900 which is a steal). You're free to use Skyscanner to disprove me if you want. Not that this flight directly helps the OP but my point being that Frankfurt is often a very cheap airport to fly in/out of and thought the OP might want to compare the cost of flying into Frankfurt and then using a discount euro airline to get to Vienna against a R/T from NY to Vienna if the prices are high.