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Help with Switzerland

Hello fellow travelers. I have a dilemma. My husband is set to leave within the next 24 hrs for a mission and will return sometime between late Sept to late Oct (i know, not a good timeline). Anyhoo, we've decided to take a trip when he returns, we're looking at late November. My husband told me the planning was up to me and since we've been to many places within Germany, Italy twice, London, I"m going to Vienna/Berchtesgaden in late Sept, and we have a trip planned for Scotland next spring, I've decided to look into Switzerland, mainly because my husband wants to go somewhere we can drive too and with Switzerland being less than 3 hrs away, what could be better. My problem is I know nothing of Switzerland or what areas are great to visit. I've read alot on here of Interlaken and the O.B area, but I'm still abit confused as to what is great to see and do. So any tips and opinions would be great. Our main focus is to relax and have some fun, we love the outdoors, so anything that consists of that would be great. Also, is the Jungfraujoch closed during the winter time?

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9109 posts

I think it's a great idea, and you should have a wonderful time. But be aware that November is off-season in Switzerland. This means a lot of the hotels in the smaller mountain villages will be closed until the skiing season starts up in February. For example if you wish to spend time in the Berner Oberland area you may have to stay in Interlaken instead of places like, Lauterburnnen, Wengen, and Murren. Interlaken isn't as tranquil as these smaller villages, but everything is still easily reached via the mountain trains. Of course on the flip side no crowds, and very cheap hotel rates. You may also want to also consider visiting a ritzy resort town like St Moritz, or Staag. Midweek off-season rates will very likely be less than half of what is normally charged in the summer. You should get a copy of Rick's guidebook. The Jungfraujoch is open year-round.

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408 posts

Check out the forum on They have some locals that will help with some of the questions for certain towns. I stayed in Grindelwald last Oct. and loved it. Some of the hotels and restaurants were closing for the season, but we still had many restaurants to chose from. The hiking is beautiful and the trips to the Schilthorn and Jungfrau were fantastic. Interlaken is nice, but I would prefer Grindelwald or Lauterbrunnen for a stay. The water falls in Lauterbrunnen is a nice visit. I also enjoyed to Ballenburg museum and the steamer on the lake. They were both covered by the swiss pass. Ha fun time

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100 posts

So is November sort of what Aug is to France? I do not want to go if it will mainly be shut down. We live within 4 hrs of Paris, maybe we should go there instead?

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10344 posts

The answer to your last question is "yes", re-read Michael's post, the smaller mountain villages will be closed down and the weather, as you gain altitude above sea level, will be getting cold by November. It's a transition season, too cold for summer fun but not ready for skiing yet. Shutdown but not for the same reason or same weather as France in August.

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152 posts

Driving to Switzerland from Germany is quite easy. Last year we flew into Zurich and took the train to Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen. The next time we go we will rent a car for one day and drive too Interlaken. We will turn the car in there. We rented a car the day before starting to Germany. That way we could load it at the hotel. We stayed in Murren in the firt part of Sept. We froze. Everything was open though.

You might contact the Hotel Staubacch in Lauterbrunnen. The manager is great and speaks very good English. My husband hikes and I walk. The mountains are beautiful. We like jumping on and off the small train. We both use to live in Germany. He lived in Wertheim and I lived in Kitzingen, am Main. I drove to Lucerne with a friend and two year old. No problem driving there!