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Help with Portugal/Spain itinerary Octoer 2010

My wife and I will be arriving in Lisbon and leaving out of Barcelona. Was thinking 10 nights, 3 in Lisbon with day trip to Sintra, 2 in Madrid, 1 in Toledo, and 4 in Barcelona - arriving evening on 1st night on AVE from Madrid. Does this sound like a good itinerary? Suggestions?

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9110 posts

It would seem that you're short-changing Madrid (where's Segovia and Avila, for example ?) and over-staying in Barcelona (a couple of days in town, at most, and one for an excursion would be plenty). Personally, I'd dump Barcelona (overated?) and spend the time in Andalucia.

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269 posts

I have to disagree; I prefer Barcelona over Madrid and think four days is just about perfect for a visit there. But that's one of those eternal debates (Barcelona vs. Madrid) that boils down to personal preferences, so you may want to do some research and get a feel for each city on your own to make up your mind. Madrid certainly has a lot to offer and two days would be a whirlwind tour. Three for Lisbon is just about right, in my opinion.

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4555 posts

I would, at the least, subtract one day from Barcelona and add it to Madrid. There is so much to see and do in and around Madrid that I think you would regret not spending more time there. Don't forget, you'll also have to come back into Madrid to get to Barcelona after your night in Toledo.

Posted by
24 posts

Thanks for the help! I figured I could take some extra time in Madrid between Toledo and Barcelona. Perhaps visit one of the museums near the train station before heading to Barcelina.

Posted by
6788 posts

Agree with others who say to cut at least some from Barcelona and reallocate to Madrid. Personally, I'd leave Barcelona out entirely and spend those days in Andalucia - what a crime it would be to blow through there and not see the Alhambra (Granada), the white hill towns (Arcos), Sevilla and Cordoba. I'd save Barcelona for another trip.