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Help with part of my itinerary - Oberland to Italy

I'm struggling with making the best itinerary for the transition from Murren/Lauterbrunnen to Italy. I was going to go by rail from Murren all the way over to Venice in a day, but I think that would take most of the day (Interlaken to Venice is 7 hours). After a couple of days in Venice I was then headed over to Rome. Eventually I was going to catch the Artesia Rome-Paris route in Florence.

Checking Easyjet, I see that I can fly from Geneva to Rome for only about $40 pp. So what I'm wondering is if it would be better to go ahead and wander over to Geneva on my departure day and then fly into Rome, and do Rome first, then Venice, and of course finally over to Florence to catch the night train to end Italy. Seems like it doesn't matter which city (Rome or Venice) I do first, since the time from either to Florence is nearly the same. So I guess it boils down to whether it's better to a) take trains from Murren to Venice, or b) take trains from Murren to Geneva, then fly to Rome.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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You've done a good job getting into the details of planning, investigating your options: that's more than half the battle. Both options are doable. A rule of thumb that has been given here by experienced travelers is: consider flying within Europe when the train time starts to exceed 6 hours, and your time is 7 hours plus time to get to the station, wait for the train, etc. That's a good airfare, maybe that's the way to go?