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Help! Problem with reconfirming reservations

My sister and I are leaving on September 8 for a three week trip to France. We made our reservations in April and May and I am in the process of reconfirming all of them.

I heard back from La Cour Sainte Catherine in Honfleur that she had nothing available but gave me some recommendations for places that did. I responded immediately(within minutes of her e-mail to me)that I had already made reservataions which she confirmed on April 11 and that I was simply reconfirming before my trip. I offered to fax her the correspondence showing her confirmation.

After three days I am getting no response. Is this a common occurrence? Should I keep pressing the point or just give up and try to secure other accomodations. I was really looking forward to staying there because it is so highly recommended.

What would you do?

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It does happen sometimes in France, often it's a language problem and it's frustrating because you went to the effort to confirm it in April. It may be just a language problem and they have a room, or perhaps they did make a mistake and don't have a room, you don't know which it is at this point. I'm going to assume you don't speak enough French to discuss this on the phone or e-mail them in French. Under that assumption, to be safe you probably want to get other accommodations, which could be cancelled if you do get a reconfirmation from your first choice.You could just show up at the first place with your e-mail confirmation from April, but that risks you having no place to sleep or a last minute hassle to try to find a place, if they don't have a room. And you'll probably be there in person discussing the problem with them in French, not the best thing for you. I'd also go ahead and fax them your original confirmation and see if you hear from them, but make a 2nd reservation now just in case. A possible problem with making alternative arrangements is that it's possible the first place does have a room for you and, if they have your credit card number, will charge you if you assume they don't and don't show. Sometimes it's a language problem, I keep the English very basic in e-mails with the smaller French hotels: limit it to a couple of sentences and assume they're like me reading something in French, only understanding half of the words, keep the verb tenses and words basic. It's possible they don't understand the difference, in English, between confirmation and re-confirmation: they may not have figured out that you already have a reservation, assuming you confirmed by last name I would, in communication with them, prominently state your last name in the subject line and first sentence of your e-mail. Also, in writing to them, are you using the European system of displaying a date, you should?