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Help! Picture of Memorial in Munich- can't identify what it is!

I can't identify the name of the monument/memorial in Munich that I photographed. The stone structure is a large square, with a smaller square on top supported by stone carved helmets. The text on both sides of the square reads:


PFALZ BAYERN VND REICH IN TREVE VNLOESLICH VERBVNDEN (other side, below is a sword w/ the dates 1914-1918)

It's obviously a monument for WWI and from translating I can pick out the words bavaria, reich, etc. But I'm not sure what the name of the monument is, or what the entire signfigance of it is. Please help! Trying to add a caption to my way over due photo book! I've searched the internet for its name w/ no success.


Posted by
9145 posts

Is this it? If you want to look for more, Google "Geenkstaette muenchen 1 welt krieg". This will bring you any monuments that are around and their addresses, etc. I did not see any of the script on the monument, but if this is the right one, you can find that later. I do think the "v's" are "u's" though.

I believe it says - Der Pfalz und ihren im weltkrieg gefallenen soenen. (the pfalz and their sons who fell in the world war)
Pfalz Bayern und Reich in treue unloeslich verbunden (Pfalz Bayern and Reich in true, unable to be dissolved, bounds.

Translation for this old stuff is difficult sometimes.

Hope this was the right one.

Posted by
59 posts

No, that's not it. I actually haven't been able to find a picture of it online. That's the one I kept coming up with. The sculpture is standing on a corner on some grass... not against a wall. It looks like building blocks almost. One large square, and then another square supported on top of the larger by stone helmets on each corner.

I had a message from another user that said it's a World War I Memorial (which you can deduce from the dates), but I just wanted more details about who erected it, why, etc.

Posted by
9145 posts

Why don't you post a link to it so we can look at it. This might jog someones memory. I would ask over on Trip advisor too, maybe even on the German side of it.

Posted by
19232 posts

Are you sure the picture came from Munich?

Although the Pfalz (Palatinate in English) is normally thought of as the area to the west and south of the Rhein, there is also a part of Bavaria called the Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz). Regensburg is the largest town in the Oberplalz. Might you have taken the picture there?

Posted by
337 posts

@Lee: Actually, the Palatinate at the Rhine was a part of the Kingdom/Republic of Bavaria from 1815 to 1947.

In the 1920s there was a "separatist movement", which could be a reason for the mentioning of "Bavarian-Palatinate" and "unbreakable loyalty" on that memorial...

Posted by
19232 posts

Mark: I did not say that the Pfalz was never a part of Bayern; in fact, I knew it was. However, the Pfalz (now a part of Rheinland-Pfalz) is a long way from Munich, and she thought the picture was from Munich. Oberpfalz is much closer to Munich.

Posted by
59 posts

The picture was absolutely taken in Munich.

I will try to figure out how to send a link.

Posted by
19232 posts

I asked on the Fodor's site and someone knew. It's on Ottostraße. Here is the link to the picture.