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Help Arranging Most Efficient Itinerary - In Amsterdam Out Munich

Taking my niece on her first trip to Europe - restricted by time and inbound / outbound flights. She flies into Amsterdam and 7 days later - out of Munich. I want to show her as much as I can / while giving her at least one experience on an overnight train. Day 1: Amsterdam Day 2: Paris Day 3: Overnight Train to Venice Day 4: Venice Day 5: Salzburg Day 6: Nueschwanstein Castle Area
Day 7: Munich Itinerary Ideas? Am I completely crazy? What would you cut out? Forever grateful for your ideas! I need to knock her socks off!

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989 posts

With all the travel involved it looks like you will literally only have a few hours in some of these places. I'd drop Paris and Venice and concentrate on Amsterdam and Germany.

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74 posts

I thought I was crazy with my Italy itinerary...that trip sounds horrible (sorry!). I agree, stay w/ Holland & Germany- there's enough to see and you don't want to scare your niece away from visiting europe again...

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12040 posts

Let us save you a horrible exerpience and avoid frightening your niece out of ever traveling anywhere again. Your flights are locked, so concentrate on Amsterdam and Munich, with perhaps one daytrip out of either one. You simply don't have enough time for much else. I don't even think what you have proposed is physically possible.

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693 posts

On the positive side - you've picked two of the easiest, fastest and cheapest to get to and from airports in Europe. Salzburg is possible as a day trip from Munich and so is Neuschwanstein but not both. The consensus on this board seems to be that overnight train travel is not much fun. I'd totally forget Venice and go to Paris only if you skip Amsterdam except for arriving there. Or fly directly to Venice from Amsterdam and work your way up to Munich via Innsbruck and Neuschwanstein, saving Paris for another trip. That could work. Have you asked her where she wants to go and what she wants to see?

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1986 posts

Absolutely ask her what she wants to see (but you may have to inject reality). A couple of days in Amsterdam and the rest in Munich makes the most sense. depending on her age and interests, Munich is convenient to see Neuschwanstein and the foothills (at least )of the Alps. Or use Amsterdam merely as a transition point and take the train immediately for Paris. 4 days in Paris and 3 in Munich. I think Paris or Salzburg is more "knock your socks off" than Amsterdam

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2428 posts

I agree with previous posts, too much in too short of time. Germany and Amsterdam seem to be the best to enjoy your trip, otherwise will be like Chevy Chase movies. Count on going back to Europe again.

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34 posts

We did Amsterdam, Munich, Brussels and Brugge in almost a month. We loved Amsterdam and the surroundings (Marken). Munich was not one of our favorite cities except for the English Garden (?)(Park). Brussels and Brugge were great. Have to agree with many of the other posts. To much travelling and not enough time to enjoy. We are doing Amsterdam, Paris and Rome, leaving from Venice in thirty days this summer and think that is not enough time. Maybe Amsterdam/Paris/depart Munich. Have a great trip.