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Headwaters of The Danube

Does anyone know how accessible from the train station the headwaters of the Danube are? Is it even worth getting off the train to go look? Thanks,

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19348 posts

By the headwaters, I assume you mean Donaueschingen. Two streams, the Breg and the Brigach, come together in Donaueschingen to form the Donau (Danube). I think some town farther up at least one of the streams also claim to be the headwaters of the river, but it is in Donaueschingen that the name, Donau, first appears. We had lunch at the Bahnhof in 2001, on our way from the Schwarzwaldbahn to Sigmaringen. I knew the headwaters were nearby, but I didn't bother to go out and see it. (It was December 29 and a little cold for a walk.) There is a park between the streams extending from the confluence back almost to the Bahnhof and paths through the park (see Google maps). It looks like the walk is about a mile. There are a lot of places in Europe where two streams come together. I don't think this one is anything special unless you just want to say you saw it. However, if you take the train down the valley to Sigmaringen, it's pretty. Nothing spectacular, but pretty.

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34 posts

Thank you. You have given us the info we needed. Going by the maps we couldn't figure out how far from the train station the headwaters were. Eden

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19348 posts

Itasca? Other than being the headwaters of a major river, no. And Pittsburgh is the headwaters of the Ohio. BTW, the fourth picture from the bottom of this page, (can't provide a link because the URL has a '?') shows the headwater of the Donau. Except for some kind of a stone marker and some flags, nothing special. Pittsburgh at least has a fountain.

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34 posts

Itasca is the where the headwaters of the Mississippi are. It's in Minnesota, several hours drive north of Minneapolis.