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Has anyone visited Amsterdam in Nov

I've visited Paris in Nov & in Feb. It was cold & gray but manageable. I don't like crowds so prefer the off season. I'd like to spend a week in Amsterdam this Nov & would appreciate some first-hand information on what it was like during your winter visit there. I've looked at RS's book & it sounds cold & rainy. I'm wondering if it's normally a drizzle or a pouring, drenching rain. Any information is appreciated.

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658 posts

It can be anything from cold and wet, to cold and damp, to cold and dry, to cold and frosty. It can even be mild and warm. Nobody can predict Dutch weather.

It really doesn't matter, there is plenty to see and do both indoors and outdoors.

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3 posts

Drizzling foggy dampness! But you can still manage with a good coat, hood, and backpack. We live 2 hours out of Amsterdam and if we waited for sunny weather we wouldn't go very many places (and that's year round)

Smiles, Renee :)

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5 posts

I went 2 years ago, and it was just cool and overcast. It never looked like the gates of hell were about to open up when me and 2 of my friends stayed there for a week atleast. Just bring a mid-weight waterproof rain jacket with a hood. You'll be fine!