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Has anyone seen the new RS show on 5 tiny countries?

I saw it this last weekend and it was a hoot! Rick says he made this show so that everyone else wouldn't feel compelled to visit all 5 (Vatican, San Marino, Lichtenstein, Monaco, and Andorra) for Luxembourg, all he had to say about it was that it was the largest of the small countries and all of other 5 small countries could fit within its boundries. I have nothing against these small places (I've been to Luxembourg, Vatican, Monaco and Andorra), but I think Rich has done everyone a real service by making this latest program...

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2950 posts

Hey Bill,

Haven't seen the show yet, but have been to Liechtenstein. It was where we spent our very first night in Europe quite some time ago. My opinion is if you're not going to Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria or the Dolomites and want to see the Alps, or are going right by it, go. Otherwise... well I'd skip it.


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2030 posts

Yes - as you know, he was on PBS in San Francsico this weekend introducing his new shows. It was interesting to learn about these tiny countries, but I'm not compelled to go to them -- except possibly Monaco if I happen to be on the French Rivera -- and I've already been to the Vatican. I also saw his new Barcelona and Greece shows which I thought were fabulous. I pledged money to the station, and will be getting all the new DVDs. I recommend that everyone check them out when they are broadcast on your local station.