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Has anyone participate in the Fat Tires Tours to Giverny or Versailles?

If so, can you tell me about your experience? Was it worth the cost? Are the tours run well? Do you get to see the sites thoroughly?


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Cecily, I have done two FT Bike tours. I enjoyed both very much. My friend talked me into the Paris by night tour, I was reluctant( I am not into biking, I am middle aged, and a bunch of other excuses, LOL ) but I went( she paid, LOL ) .
Loved it, so fun. We decided right then to book and go to Versailles with them.
The tours are well run, the guides are young (generally about 25-30 yrs old) and enthusiasitic, so perhaps the tour commentary makes up for in humor and brevity what it may lack in intensive history .
We did not see the Hamlet which I would have liked, but we did see lots of everything else. That was my 5th visit to Versailles so I appriciated the different take . We went into Versailles( the town) and got picnic food at the market, then rode to grounds. We had lots of time inside the palace as well as we toured all around canals. We didn't have time to see the Marie Antionettes estate , but other tours say they did, perhaps our guide was not into it that day for some reason. My friend who had never been felt she missed nothing, I who had been liked the different approach. I recommend.

The night bike tour was dead easy, even if not fit at all. The Versailles one was a longer day with more peddling a one or two long but gentle hills, being really unfit would make it difficult, but I managed and so did a few kids on our tour so you do not have to be a jock.
Apparently the Giverny tour is much easier then Versailles.
I suggest you go to and check out the Paris forums there, do a search for bike tours and you will be able to read dozens of posts about Fat Tire tours. I doubt any of them will be negative.