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Has anyone attended a french foreign language school in France?

I need some advise to selecting a french foreign language school in France for my 22 year old daughter.

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2297 posts

I did that many years ago so I can't really give you a recommendation for a specific school. However, you should probably take the following into consideration:

  • Make sure the school offers lots of different (higher) levels and a comprehensive intake testing procedure. Without proper placement according to your abilities the course will be a waste of time.

  • Ideally, it would be great if there are no/few other anglophone students in the class. Otherwise all time outside class is spent speaking English again ... My guess would be staying away from a school that advertises in the US could help.

  • Try to stay away from Paris as it is very hard there to connect with locals to practise your language skills. Again, you're much more likely to talk to your classmates only. I did my language classes in Paris and later studied in Rennes - huge difference!

Good luck!

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15587 posts

A few years ago I was considering attending a French language school in France. While I never did, these were the two at the top of my list:

Institute de Francais in Villefranche


ELFCA in Hyeres

Worldwide, the Alliance Francaises teaches French and has a few schools in France

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9429 posts

I think Beatrix's advice is excellent. I went to the Alliance Francaise in Paris for a year in 1975, and unless it has changed for the better, I would NOT recommend it.