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Halloween in Paris?

I will be in Paris the week of Halloween. The following day is a national holiday--All Saints Day(as it is in most of Europe).

Do Parisians take this as an excuse to party on Halloween? If so, what goes on? Which neighborhoods might be interesting? I suspect the weather will be cold, gray and/or rainy?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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1633 posts

Paul, I believe Halloween is a United States activity. While we lived in Germany in the 70's, there was no Halloween in the local economy--only the military kids did it. Europe's dressing up in costume type of activity is during Fashing which is similar to our Mardi Gras--before Lent.

Posted by
448 posts

Several years ago France/Paris tried to "do" Halloween, for commercial reasons, but the trick or treat aspect never really caught on. Last year it was celebrated mostly in clubs and bars in the city where Americans hang out...and i have no specific one to suggest. The only full-scale Halloween i ever saw was at Disneyland. Cemetaries are covered with chrysanthemums...but no, Parisians don't party on Halloween.

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251 posts

When I was living in Rennes, France a few years ago, I was suprised as a parade of costumed students (college) made its way through town. Since then it has seemed that it is quite the party holiday with costumes,(more than the U.S.) but no candy. But more in the 18-25 set. I have never seen young kids involved in it. Hang around the student areas you might see something fun, but I wouldn't build a trip around it.

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35 posts

Thanks to all for your info. Sounds like the Latin Quarter might be a good bet that evening(?).

Posted by
683 posts

As was stated above, only places where Americans (the only people to have Halloween, which is purely a commercial holiday), have such celebrations. The Latin Quarter is no moore likely to have specially-themed parties than any other place- tho it will be much more expensive!

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32 posts

I'm curious about All Saints Day - is everything going to be closed and it would be a wasted day in Paris? Will all the museums be closed? Will we find any decent bakeries or restaurants open?

Thank you!!

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11507 posts

suzanne ,, perhaps if you google some of the sites you are interested in you will find their opening hours etc.. most have websites. I don't think most will be closed,, I know the Eiffel Tower is open almost everyday.. etc.

There will be enough to do that it could not possibly be a "wasted day" in Paris.

Posted by
35 posts


I posted the original question on this thread. I spent both Halloween and All Saints Day in Paris, and you would never know either was a holiday. No Halloween stuff, and a normal day on All Saints Day. The Louvre, l'Orangerie, Cluny and Pompidou are all open on Mondays (and closed Tuesdays), and can coordinate with Rick's Old City and Latin Quarter walks, so there's plenty to do. Do your research and have fun.

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196 posts

We were in Italy mid-October 2007 and were surprised to see Halloween decorations and some costumes. We finished the trip in London and around Covent Garden and Leiscester Sq on Halloween night there were LOTS of costumed and rather drunk people.

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9149 posts

Halloween is actually quite popular in Germany now, but not so much with the trick-or-treating thing. It is more private parties for kids. The stores have tons of pumpkins and decorations, lots of clubs and bars have parties.

One of the best Halloween experiences is to go to Frankensteins Castle, near Darmstadt just south of Frankfurt. The castle is a ruin, but very cool just the same and perfect for their month-long Halloween show.If you have teens, this is a perfect place to go any time in October.

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2023 posts

We were in Paris several years ago just before Halloween and there were lots of shops with Halloween decorated bakery items--jack-o-lantern cookies, etc. On the same trip we saw such items in Bruges also. We saw trick-or-treating in London on Halloween night.