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Great places to eat in Germany

We are driving from Enns(Austria) to Trier on May 25. According to ViaMichelin this should take about 6hrs. Any suggestions where to stop along the way as far as "must-sees" and more importantly restaurants?

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10344 posts

This trip is about 450 miles. The driving time, not including stops of any type (fuel or other) is 6hrs 15mins. This means your actual driving time will be longer than the 6hrs you mentioned, for two reasons: first, you have to add your estimate of the time for all stops to the 6 hrs 15mins; second, many travelers on this forum have reported that the Viamichelin driving times, even after adding for stopping time, underestimate by about 25% the actual driving time it took them. Rick and others here recommend adding about 25% to the driving times, in addition to adding for stops for gas, food, or tourist sights. For these two reasons, you'll probably want to figure that your actual driving time will be closer to 7 or 8 hours, not including stops for fuel, restaurants, or sights--which will also have to be added.This does not leave a lot of time for sight-seeing along the route.You've already discovered the Viamichelin website, and you asked about sights and restaurants--the Michelin site is a good source of recommendations on both sights and restaurants along your route. Go back to the site and, after you enter the route, look for where you can check Restaurants and Tourist Sights, which it will display along your route.

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12040 posts

"This does not leave a lot of time for sight-seeing along the route." You'll have to do your sight-seeing from the car window. Fortunately, Germany's Autobahn system is one of the most scenic in Europe. You just won't have much time to stop anywhere, other than eating at truck stops... which in Europe, often offer surprisingly good food. On one of my first trips to Europe, I arrived at my destination in Germany after most restaurants had closed. The only place that remained open was a truck stop. Expecting nothing better than greasy sausages, I was delighted by the delicious noodle and pork dish I ate. This place even had duck on the menu! How many Stuckey's in the US can claim that?

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8 posts

Thank you both for your info. Even though I have been using ViaMichelin for mapping info. I did not know how reliable the info. on restaurants and hotel was. I will go back and check now. Thanks!


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2779 posts

It's 736km and it's all Autobahn, so a net driving time (excl. stops and traffic jams) of 6 1/2 hours is realistic. Depending on what you're interested in your stops could be at Regensburg to visit the old town, Nuremberg to visit old town and castle, Sinsheim (to visit technical museum, Boeing 747, Concorde, Russian copy of Concorde etc etc), Heidelberg, Speyer (cathedral and old town),... There are hundreds of great restaurant in all of those cities or town, very, very hard to recommend one specific one.