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good meeting place in Frankfurt airport after arrival?

My husband and I are flying separately (on different airlines) to Frankfurt and will arrive within a few hours of each other. Where would be a sure place we could meet up and find each other after we arrive?

Would you recommend in the airport or at the train station at the airport, since we have to jump on a train after our flights?

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1589 posts

There are a number of designated 'meeting points' at FRA airport. Go online, look at the map and decide which meeting point you are going to be waiting at for the other person.

It will be easier if you are both arriving at the same terminal.

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934 posts

This is question for Andreas to answer.

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19232 posts

What airlines? Are you going by long distance train after your arrival? Maybe you should meet at the "Fernbahnhof".

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9145 posts

Whoever gets there first, meets the other person as they emerge from the luggage pick up area. Nothing nicer than seeing the face of someone you love when you walk through those doors. Luggage carts are free in Frankfurt airport. Then you head off to the train station of your choice, depending on where you are going afterwards. Plan B, would be the "Meeting Point" of which there are several, in case of delayed flights.