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Good locations for eating solo in Brussels and.or Paris

I am traveling solo to Brussels and Paris this fall and wondered if any other solo travelers have suggestions for good locations to eat,for example, less on the romantic side or have a bar to sit at. (I know that many suggest cafes or take away for solo travelers but one of the things I love most about traveling is enjoying the local food so I would like to branch out as well) In Paris I am staying in the Latin Quarter.

Thanks for your help :)

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1806 posts

As you travel around the city, and you go past a restaurant or bistro that looks interesting, stop and take a look at the menu. If it looks good to you, try it. And you don't have to feel like you need to eat at the bar just because you are dining solo - go ahead and ask for a table - you'll find both cities have many restaurants that are very accommodating to solo diners. If you feel a little self-conscious about eating in a fancier restaurant for dinner, try it during lunch when it may be a little more casual (and less expensive).

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213 posts

I was alone in Brussels once and found a little off-the-beaten-path cafe. One woman was the only server, and she couldn't speak a word of English and I couldn't speak a word of French. I had a great meal! I couldn't begin to remember it name or where it was. I've been solo on most of my travels, and I love finding those little only-locals-go-here eateries. There is a street in central Brussels--Rue de Petite Boucherie--that is essentially a street of cafes. Many choices. However, it is something of a touristy destination.

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12040 posts

When I get home from work, I'll send you the name of a great little place in Brussels. I can't remember the name right now, but I have a receipt at home. The nice thing about this restaurant for a single traveler is that the way the tables are arranged, you can disappear into your own little alcove.

"(I know that many suggest cafes or take away for solo travelers but one of the things I love most about traveling is enjoying the local food so I would like to branch out as well)" I would comment here that often cafes and take-away offer great examples of local food, particularly take-away counters. Sometimes even more representative of local cuisine than restaurants, which often have to make some allowances for touristic tastes.

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2030 posts

I had a good experience having lunch by myself at Pied au Cochon in Paris.

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5790 posts

Hate to admit it, but my favorite place for Mussels and Frites in Brussels is in tourist central. It is Chez Leon on rue des Bouchers near the Grand Place. You cannot miss this street. It is the street where every restaurant is hawking seafood to tourists. But I still like Leon's. It is very casual, simple menu, big pots of mussels and bowls of frites.

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23 posts

Thanks, I just about drool everytime I think about mussels, they are one of my favorit things!!

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264 posts

I always travel to Europe alone; the thought never occurred to me to look for something different/somewhere difference from the tables with more than one person? Believe me, you will be welcome to table in any fine restaurant.

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3580 posts

I ate lunch solo at Philippe's La Varangue (in RS books) recently. The place is small; there were 6 or 8 other diners; I had a delicious lunch, the Plat du Jour, and felt completely comfortable. Philippe himself greeted me as I entered the restaurant. He is also the chef and speaks English.