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Golden Pass Line VIP seats

Looking for reviews/opinions on reserving VIP seats from Montreux to Zweisimmen in June. Have read wide ranging opinions on multiple sites. I'm fine spending the extra for the reservation, but not if its just not worth it. Alos, seems like it might be less room b/c of an extra seat up there? Any thoughts?

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9109 posts

The VIP seat are only worth it going towards Montreux. The highlight of the journey is when the train arrives at the top of the mountain above Montreax and zig zags its way down to the station on the bank of Lake Geneva. You get commanding views of the area, and the VIP seats enhance all of that. Going in the direction of Zweisimmen you loose all of that, and the VIP seats are completely useless.

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33520 posts

I'm cheap. I use the regular trains which go over the same route as the fancy tourist trains for a fraction of the price but just as fast and with all the views out the side windows, which are pretty darn gosh good, except the 8 VIP seats which they don't have. Me I'd rather be on the train with the local grandmother going out on an errand, or the school kids going to or from school. I can even open the window. If you take the posh train you will be surrounded by dozens of similarly rich tourists in the hermetically sealed train, unless you splash out for the VIP seats which mean you are surrounded by nobody. Everybody's different, and everybody has different preferences. That's what makes the world go round. Me, I'm a back door kinda guy. Cheap too.

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9109 posts

I one is using one if the Swiss Passes the cost of the Golden Pass train vs the local trains isn't an issue, as the Swiss Pass covers the Golden Pass train.

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17 posts

Thanks for the replies. Yeah, it didn't really seem like it would be anything worth getting into, but wanted to make sure. We will be travelling the golden pass route but will probably just pick a time that suits us and take whatever train that is. Thanks again!

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768 posts

Hello All:
My wife and I will also be traveling the Montreux-Zweisimmen-Spiez-Interlaken trains. For our late April visit, we've decided to take the standard trains; however, we have one question: Are the views from the train substantially different if you are on the left or right side? It was regrettable to hear we're traveling the "wrong way" on the Montreux to Zweisimmen leg.

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33520 posts

The train zig zags up and down the cliff. I don't remember any advantage of one side or the other. Enjoy your journey along the language border. Watch as the French speaking suddenly switches to German. Happy trails..