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Going to Amsterdam... Where else should I go?

Ok, so I am going to Amsterdam for a week to see a friend of mine, but then I would like to visit another place in Europe. I know Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are close by... can anyone suggest where I should go or what there is to see in these countries? I'm a little new to this... so I only know the popular places such as Paris, London, etc. Suggestions please!! :)

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1589 posts

Brugge and Antwerp are close by and easy to reach on the train. Brussels too but I would recommend the other 2 places before it.

You can basically choose almost any city in Western Europe - it all comes down to how much you want to travel and spend. Prague, Budapest, Krakow, etc. all come to mind but maybe expensive to get to and the other question is are you planning on an open jaw or RT ticket?

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4132 posts

I wouldn't automatically rule out the popular places because they are popular. They are popular for a reason.

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27 posts

Hi Krissy,

I agree with the poster above: Bruges is closeby, and is highly recommended by all sources I've read and listened to. This is actually the one place I wish I had visited while I was in Amsterdam a few years back. Also from Amsterdam, you can hop on a bus and reach Paris. You can check into a hostel in Paris (of which there are many) if you want to save a little money, and spend a day or two there if you like.

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11507 posts

Hi Krissy, how long are you planning on staying?? You are visiting a friend for a week,, is this in addition to extra time??

I suggest Paris, but I wouldn't take a bus unless you like wasting an entire day of travelling.. take a train.

Also what is your budget, hotel or hostel?

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2779 posts

Düsseldorf (shoppers' paradise and great nightlife) and Cologne (dating back to Roman times, 2nd largest Gothic cathedral in the world) are two German cities with direct ICE train connection to Amsterdam. Then the romantic Mosel and Rhine river valleys aren't far either...

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192 posts

We returned from 8 days in Amsterdam;
took 2 day trips--one to Haarlem, one to Bruges.

Haarlem--smaller than Amst, less 'city', has Frans Hals Museum, & the Corrie tenBoom Museum. If you decide to see the CtB, be sure to read "The Hiding Place" first, or at least rent the movie.
From there we walked to a beach at the North Sea, picked up seashells, etc.
Amsterdam to Haarlem by train, 15 min., a lovely ride.

Bruges, Belgium--about 3 hours by train from Amst., another delightful ride.

Bruges has the lace ladies--friendly elders who make bobbin lace. Check RS guide book for times. Small charge to get in, but the ladies will demo the lace & answer any questions quite patiently. (Most of the lace for sale in town is machine-made so beware.)
Also in Bruges...CHOCOLATE! Check RS for where to shop, then forget calories and indulge. We took a horse & buggy ride around town just for fun & enjoyed it.
Bruges has lots of history, canals (canal boat rides), swans.