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Gimmelwald vs Grindelwald

I am hoping to do some hiking with a small group of people next September. One person in our party can not hike. They have trouble negotiating steep hills and "cobbly stone" type streets. My desire is Gimmelwald as a base for day hikes. But for our nonhiker, who will be happy to sit and read while enjoying the views and quiet, how taxing is the "walk up 50 meters" from the Gondola station as RS describes? How rough would the walking be in Gimmelwald? Or is the touristy Grindelwald a better option for the non hiker? Reading about both places does not replace the experience that people who have been there can share. Thanks for any opinions/suggestions you have.

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12040 posts

The pavement in Gimmelwald is pretty smooth, although the road can be a bit steep in some areas. Grindelwald is flatter and bigger, but you can get a taxi, if needed.

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7209 posts

There are no rough "cobbly stone" roads in Gimmelwald. It's paved. A better option would be to stay in Muerren and take the wonderfully nice walk from Muerren down to Gimmelwald then ride the gondola back up to Muerren from Gimmelwald.

Personally I would only choose Grindelwald as a last resort. It's nice, but being in a car free village perched on a ledge overlooking the Lauterbrunnen Valley is much much nicer.

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689 posts

I agree that Murren is a better choice for a non-hiker. There are cafes, etc, whereas in Gimmelwald, there isn't much. Also if I'm remembering correctly the main street in Murren is mostly flat.

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12040 posts

"Also if I'm remembering correctly the main street in Murren is mostly flat." To verify, yes, although the road gets a bit steeper as you move towards Gimmelwald.

And I agree with the others- if you're going to leave one member of your party behind, Murren and Grindelwald are better choices... unless this person really loves cows and donkeys.

Posted by
2947 posts

Hi Terry,

have you considered Wengen? We stayed 4 nights and simply loved it there. We are not hikers and there were nice level paved paths leading from the village south "into" the valley. We found a bench witha view of the valley way below, Muerren on the other side and the Alps all around us. Nice place to sit and wonder about the beauty of this place.


Posted by
263 posts

Wow, thanks for all your help. I had forgotten about Murren.....I have been in Grindelwald and was not impressed, but Wengen and Murren are attractive options. I just don't want one person left behind and feeling totally out of it...especially when I'm married to her!
Thanks again.